My HIC Poker Table


If any of you are interested in seeing the entire build progress, here is a thread at the RPF....

My HIC Poker Table.

if not, you can just jump to the end here........

So it is done.........

I will get some good high-qualityl pics up when I finish building my "nerd cave" that it will be kept in. Maybe since there are a gazillion boba fetts in our garrison, I will have a group shot of boba's playing poker at the table.

there's no real good way to photo it without a glare ( do to the glass reflections ) but here it is.



and the drawers/panels ( each one has a poker chip as a greeble )
The hero panel will have electronics too.....eventually.

and drink holders



I will update it one last time when I get the professional photos taken.
Very Cool. An old college roommate and friend isn't a huge Star Wars nut, but he would still love to have something that cool in his "nerd cave." He is a big gamer. He is getting divorced (at this point a good thing for him) and I think his entire not-too-small basement will become a "nerd level!"
Wow. That's fantastic. :) Maybe I should start playing poker more regularly now so that I can justify building somethin' similar to myself. :D
sorry im new here. sorry for asking but is it recasting if you have permision to make it cause i want to make one like this but not poker table.

please reply
Recasting is when you take someone else's hard work and "recast " it without permission. There's no way you could recast something this size. You can copy it all day and make as many as you want because it can't be done without a ton of work... And that's what we like to see.... People doing there own laborious work. Your idea doesn't have to be an original... But your work needs to be your own. Make sense?
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