Girth Belt??


New Hunter
I was recently out with my grandparents at a outdoor supply store and saw they had

In the first pic the one on the far right is 36"i forgot what the others are.





My Question which one of these would be the right one and/or are they correct?

(Sorry if my picture are too big let me kno if/how I need to change them)
Sadly none of those are the correct style. It's fairly difficult to find cinch belts in the same style that is needed in stores.
Only the first one would sorta pass because the others are too thick but you would still have to remove the rings. The dye however would not take as well in the brown portions. There is a few members in the Cargo Hold section that sell girth belts that have been dyed or if you prefer to do it yourself you can check plenty of tack supply stores online.
I can't recall the site that purchased mine from but here is one.
Centaur Non-Slip Mohair Girth Girths and Accessories Tack English
This is the same one I have... when I got mine they actually had the brown available in my size so I snatched it up.

Only the first one would sorta pass because the others are too thick but you would still have to remove the rings. The dye however would not take as well in the brown portions. There is a few members in the Cargo Hold section that sell girth belts that have been dyed or if you prefer to do it yourself you can check plenty of tack supply stores online.
I can't recall the site that purchased mine from but here is one.
Centaur Non-Slip Mohair Girth Girths and Accessories Tack English
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