Silver helmet paint - Rustoleum Aluminum

Got the Rustoleum Aluminum as suggested by AFFO$'s paint thread and painted the base coat of my Boba helmet. First off the paint is very smooth and lays down nicely even in a heavier coat. My question is about the finish. The Rusto aluminum has kind of a buffed metallic look to it rather than a shiny, more steel like look. Is this what most of you go with? I know it isn't supposed to look like chrome showing thru, but I am wondering if i should go with something more reflective. Thanks in advance for any help!
Try lightly rubbing a test spot with a tissue. I've done that before on models to shine duller silvers up a bit. But just do it on a test spot only too see if it helps! The tissue has to be soft, but none of that lotioned up garbage.... unless you want a greasy Fett. If you have a good scrap of T-shirt that would work better (no lint). Just don't rub too hard.. it's not a contest. :)
Problem is also going to be stuff sticking to the smoothness sometimes I have the issue of the grey not sticking to silver sometimes I dont
I think Spideyfett and Darthmiller used to suggest Krylon Brilliant Silver instead to get that shinier steel look. I've always liked the way it came out on the stuff I've painted.
I think Spideyfett and Darthmiller used to suggest Krylon Brilliant Silver instead to get that shinier steel look. I've always liked the way it came out on the stuff I've painted.

Fo Sho!..... I stay away from anything Rustoleum when it comes to Fett... very unpredictable at times. IMO
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