TK409 orders?


Active Hunter
Hey folks. How long has it taken you to receive orders from TK409? I ordered an ESB cape from TK409 almost a month ago. Haven't gotten any confirmation that the order was received, so I emailed. No answers.

I'm in no rush, I'd just like to make sure the order was received. Is it normally like this w/ TK409?

Its been years since I ordered my vest and neckseal from them. From what I remember its his sister who actually does the sewing. I say keep trying to get into contact.
i got my chest light from him, had good contact. But soon switched to the DVH Chest lights due to the on/off switch and the protected circuit boards.
Checked my records, turns out it was about 3 weeks ago. Just to get my facts straight. Just wish there was some communication. I'll email his sister, and see if she knows anything about it. Thanks!
TK409(Chris) is one of those guys you don't have to worry about. He's a busy guy too, but he always follows through.
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