BH-8990 is officially back

Approved today. More detail and parts list to come, but thanks to Fettpride, Crazy4bobafett, Slave1pilot, Fettdad, BFUK, Mojo-Fett, Woodman, and 99centtaco for starters! Got a few tweaks I want to make (so no need to point them out! lol), but it's a solid foundation. The suit looks a lot more grey than it does in reality, but try as I may I couldn't get photos to show that:


It's good to be back.

I'll try to get some together at some point, Nate. My submission photos were "meh" at the different angles, but here's a pretty good outdoor photo from the event:


Funny how the weathering gets washed out. I thought I had overdone some of it!
Sexy as always, Chris. HAHAHAHA

Looks fantastic! I was soooooo close to following your lead and switching to ESB. I decided against it though and will be making myself a full ROTJ instead. Far easier for me at this point given the fact I'm switching from ROTJ Special Ed.
Fantastic looking suit. I am not generally an ESB fan, but you really nailed it.

Once I stop being fat I'll get back to working on Boba. For now I have to work on the 20 pounds I've gained since I "finished" the suit.
For starters, much <3 to all of you and especially to Bob and Brian. You guys are a constant source of inspiration and I only wish I lived closer to MA. ;)

Looks fantastic! I was soooooo close to following your lead and switching to ESB.

You have no idea how tough it was to finally pull the trigger. There was a lot of love in that old suit and a lot more of me and my work than in this one. But it's in good hands. Still think I was half crazy to start all over. lol

Best of luck on your conversion/enhancement!

...For now I have to work on the 20 pounds I've gained since I "finished" the suit.

Ughh...don't get me started. I was REAL close to buying that Shakeology off of you a few months back. I need to drop the 15+ I put on since October when I had to stop working out. Best of luck to us both, I guess. :lol:
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