RotJ Left Gauntlet LED, Button, or ?


Well-Known Hunter
What do you guys think? We've narrowed down most of the gauntlet accessories, but I don't ever recall this one being mentioned. It appears to be a lamp of some sort.

Gauntlet LED.jpg

Gauntlet lamp 2.jpg

::Edit:: second pic added
It's a small lamp. I have them on a few pieces of equipment at work. I'm pretty sure you can get them at RadioShack ;)
Yep, I'm with Fettcicle. Definately an LED/Lamp housing. The types that Radio Shack carries, although not completely accurate, will do in a pinch. Especialy since no one has discovered the true origin of this little bugger.

If you get one from RS, you can grind down the retainer nut, so that it appears round instead of hex. Otherwise the only other differences are that the red housing stickes up a bit further and is very smooth on the real one.

I post a pic of mine later ...



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BountyHunter185 wrote:

Hey, I don't know what it is either, but I was wandering if the ESB gauntlet had it. Jango's gauntlet has one doesn't it?
Yup, Jango has got one too, although his is different and clearly a LED.


I'll let one of the ESB guys post an ESB pic. :p
Thanks for the interest. I got this LED from local electric shop and soldered a resistor to match correct ohm for 9V battery (also add a switch). I can make more to match any kind of battery but since I am from Japan, might save shipping if you order through Halo_1. :)

Ahhh.... Halo. You seek Halo.

Here's a thread to the (possibly) found part that Halo can get for everyone (being the great chap he is).

"I'd buy that for a dollar!", and indeed I did. Two of them in fact!

CLICK HERE for a link to Halo's thread


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