Hi All members! Some mounth ago I found a costume contest :p I decided to enter and today I got a mail that I'm now in the final for egoshifts costume contest! WOW! i can't belive that this realy happening :O

I will represent the category "Sci fi" and my opponents are all girls, from fantasy, zombies etc, all with big breasts and a sexy pose ;) I will not let them win just becouse they're more sexy then I am! ;)
So please guys, let Star Wars win this contest and vote for me :D
it means so much and would help me so much in my new secret SW costume ^^

Thank you so much :D

Press here to vote egoshift

it's easy to find me ;) haha ^^

Sorry man, but you have no chance against those... girls!

Just kidding.
Voted the best of them: Boba Fett!

Just Voted... :) for Boba Fett... No choice, we are family members :) well... some girls are just very nice as well... ...
Voted for you...

Hard to resist cleavage... but I did......Then I went back. I'm allowed to look even if I didnt vote for her...
Thank you all! I hope you keep voting ^^ You can vote once every day so it would be really great if you voted more then once ^^

Good luck against all those Swedish chicks! :love

Swedish chicks? I've lived in Sweden my whole life and never seen girls like them :O They're rare :p
This costume intrest is not very big in Sweden, and since I've never seen them before I wonder where they've all been my whole life xD
Thank you all! I hope you keep voting ^^ You can vote once every day so it would be really great if you voted more then once ^^

Swedish chicks? I've lived in Sweden my whole life and never seen girls like them :O They're rare :p

This costume intrest is not very big in Sweden, and since I've never seen them before I wonder where they've all been my whole life xD

LOL!! Awww man, you need to take a vacation to Miami :D
I feel your pain brother, so I voted again, but it said that I can only vote once :angry
Congrats brother! I was the predator running close along with you! If I was getting beat by anyone...im glad it was a Fett! Killer suit man!

It seems you are the only costume in the costume contest left. Everyone else seems to be skimpy women. haha... That is society for you. ANyway, you got my vote man! Beat slutty pikachu!

Congrats brother! I was the predator running close along with you! If I was getting beat by anyone...im glad it was a Fett! Killer suit man!

It seems you are the only costume in the costume contest left. Everyone else seems to be skimpy women. haha... That is society for you. ANyway, you got my vote man! Beat slutty pikachu!


That was you :O ?
That predator was sick!

And yes, I agree, some may look sexy as hell but that's the only thing they're getting votes from. Not that they got a nice costume ''/

Thanks for your vote friend! ^^
Well, I voted for you.... I really wanted to stab you in the back like Chucko and cast my vote for that red-headed hottie with the nitting needles sticking out the top of her head (What a cutie!) but I helped a brother out and "did ya a solid". :D
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