New Jango WIP

Hey Mandalord- Well, I got the 8.5 and they fit me perfect as I actually wear an 8.5. They do strech out pretty well so I would say yes they would prob work.
Hey all..Sorry for the little hiatus as work has been crazy the last month! I just had the opportunity to pick up my helmet skirt curtousy of Chucko and what a fine crafted piece of work!!! If anyone needs one of these I highly reccommend it. Cheers to Chucko, thanks bro!
LMAO!!! Great to be loved by the boys at TDH LOL! Thanks guys...ya I plan on popping in a bit more this week. Work has left me very little time lately. Still need to get my shins, gaunts, and boot armor from cruzer..and nasty should be done w/ my bucket shortly. Sandy, more like mini trashcan armor and toothpaste LOL! feel free to shoot me a message here and there man. Great to hear from you guys!
Hey all- Well, after a crazy month I have had some time to work on the ASOK bucket that I recieved from saintnasty. After chatting w/ obro and chucko over the weekend Ive added some padding to the inside and will install the skirt shortly. Below are a couple pics for you guys to check out. Also, what are your thoughts on adhesing the RF into the ear piece as opposed to leaving it removeable??? Not sure I like the "clickety clack" it makes in the slot : ). Any suggestions guys?


Hey Mullreel- Added some duct tape around the stalk...Matches the cc and fits like a glove..great call, perfect! Now w/ chuckos help Ill do the skirt and semi-complete the bucket : ).
glad to see it made it to you all in one piece, and uh... i do make them pretty shiny don't i?
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