FIRST (kinda) cardboard scratch build!

thanks refestus! :D i'm actually surprised/impressed myself with how it turned out. This being my first helmet, i think i'll be satisfied :)
If you make another I'd recommend using sheet styrene. I'm getting it from US Plastics, paying something like $14 shipped for a 4' x 8' piece. Less bondo to use except on the dome, but even then it's more durable and you don't have to worry about waiting for cardboard to dry.
after this, i plan on makin a MILLION dave! hahaha i actually had fun building this so i'll look into making a more sturdy scratchbuild.
and on a side note, i'm doin my paintjob, when i realize my main green looks wayyy too bright. but when i compare it to the movie, it looks pretty similar. is it just in real life it looks really bright or do i need to go buy a slightly darker paint?

Screen shot 2010-10-22 at 4.57.09 PM.png

this one's shaped awkward for some reason
Photo on 2010-10-22 at 16.50.jpg

i added these two for different lighting/angles so i don't receive too much **** for the shape lol
Photo on 2010-10-22 at 18.06.jpgPhoto on 2010-10-22 at 18.05.jpg

also is there a way i can make my helmet look more weathered? i've heard of sandblasting but idk how expensive that is (remember i'm on a tight college budget lol)
Photo on 2010-10-26 at 22.08 #2.jpgPhoto on 2010-10-26 at 22.01 #3.jpgPhoto on 2010-10-26 at 22.01 #2.jpgPhoto on 2010-10-26 at 22.01.jpg

ALMOST DONE :D just gotta put some minor details on it, do the back, then acrylic finish it :D (oh and work on the rangefinder, then the circuit grille in the back :/ but for what i want right now, i'm almost done ;)

Photo on 2010-10-26 at 22.00.jpg
(sigh) so with school, it's been tough squeezing in time to work on the helmet. Also, I've ran into a brick wall mentally.

Long story short, I took it home for the holidays to show the family, and my brother through his carelessness cracked it. A huge six-inch crack along the brim of the helmet. @%#%$!. So I plan on sanding off the paint in that area, re-bondo-ing the brim, then repainting the !$#$^@%$# helmet. BUT, out of general concern for me and my roommates, I won't bondo it here in my dorm, so I most likely won't be working on it until the semester is over. And I was so close to the end too... :/
It's been sad really how much I've deviated from completing my bucket :/ but I leave for Argentina in a week and I won't be back for another two years, but I plan on finishing this helmet and creating much more original ones when I get back! So thank you all for the tips and help I received while making my first helmet! :D Adios!
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