Jango Fett Build

Thanks man. Try to get something done just about every day. Most of the time. I just attached the shoulder pieces today. Fun. ;-) Thanks. I try to keep the pics coming.
sizing is looking good...I think you may have a little more shaping to do on the collar. It seems to stand out away from you just a bit. It is hard to explain but when I look at the last pic, it could go "around" you a little more so that the tips do not stick out.

Then again if the vest came out to meet the armor it might also take care of it.

Keep the progress coming.
I gotcha. That's an easy fix. I can bend the plates to shape without too much difficulty. FINALLY! I have the vest straightened out! Took me long enough hahaha. Thanks guys.
So I spent the evening getting those key slots figured out. Goodness. That was like the hardest part for me. Combination of a drill, dremmel, hand file, and lots of sanding. Finally, got them just right. Wow. That was crazy. Then I went and did a whole lot more sanding on the helmet, and then my younger bro, Daniel, was fooling around with a spare trim piece from the helmet and figured out how to get this insane shine on it. Using steel wool, and constant rubbing back and forth in the same direction and he showed me what it looked like and asked if he could do that on my helmet. I said yes, and he went away at it. And he got it. Better than I could. He didn't want to stop once he started haha. And wouldn't let me help. ;-) So, big thanks to Daniel. Now he can say he had a big part in helping with my costume. In fact, he's almost always with me when I'm doing it, trying to help in some way. That's what brothers are for, right? ;-) Here are some pics. My painting needs just a bit of work. Then need to get the rangefinder all set. And polish and t visor. Yeah!
The stack of supplies are for Jango. The stack of boxes is my Biker Scout ready to go! As soon as our deal gets finalized. Hope it's soon. ;-)

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That spot I mentioned before on the back of the dome is now gone. Good job on the sanding. Last thing is to get some metal polish and shine it like a new dime..........that is until you dirty it up with some weathering.
I attached the earpiece. It was a whole lot easier than I expected. No problems haha. I used screws from a light switch cover. Sweet.

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Those holster look off. The pattern seems like it was based on a Han Solo holster and only partially modded to be Jango holsters. The leg straps should not have buckles on them. they also seem too dark brown.

Here is a pic of mine for reference:


Wow...that was a lot of negatives...sorry, man. Keep trucking it is a daunting costume but you are getting there!
How do the leg straps hold together? Velcro? Or snaps? And yeah they're a bit dark. Not hard to adjust the coloring. I can fix that. When the blaster is in them, I think the shape looks better. They're not like, pre-shaped. In the pic, it's completely flat. Yeah, a bit of work to do on those....;-) Seems that's my lot in life. Ha
I fixed up those holsters of mine. Ditched the buckles, and fixed the color on them. The shape btw, is a whole lot better when there is an actual pistol in them. The leather wasn't pre-shaped. The lighting for the pics is not super good, they are a lot lighter reddish brown than before. And I also did a bit more on my helmet. I glued in the keyslots, attached the mesh, and got my rangefinder all set up. Yeeeessss! I used screws for both the earpiece and the rangefinder.

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Asok Helmet Progress

Oh my word. I am almost done with my Asok helmet. I just need to polish, weather, and add the pinstriping. Now that everything is together, it's like,.....I can't put it into words. It is the most amazing helmet I've ever seen. (I'm sure everyone feels the same way about theirs ;-) Asok, you rock! Being able to wear it, is just amazing. I'm still speechless......

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Looking sharp. Did you reshape the collar a bit too? It looks good in those last 4 pics. This is really coming together well.
I have enjoyed your build so far. This is looking nice.

You have a flightsuit already,...right? I would probably have some more constructive criticism if you had the FS on as well. (just because things start to "pop" when with more of the kit on). The overall is falling in line though. Good work.

oh and nice Fourth of July jetpack.
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