Bought Helmet! What next! Help

Triple d

Evening TDH!

I just aquired the Mystery Helmet from Sgt. Fang (shipped anyways, can't wait). So when it arrives, I know I will have trimming, cutting, and sanding. What tools are the experts recommending? Dremel or x-acto, what type of sand paper, wash with soap and water several times before priming?

Thanks all!
A Dremel tool or any kind of rotary tool. An Exacto isnt going to work to cut out the visor area. You will need some glazing putty the red stuff from Bondo in a tube for any small spots.
You need to decide which paint job you are doing and then get all the paints for that version. I recommend wet sanding the helmet with 220 and then 320 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Be sure to get the right paper or it will just fall apart.
I am awaiting the arrival of a Jinto Helmet,and what im doing now is trying to locate the paint i will need for the ESB paint scheme.
I already have a dremel from my Hot Wheels customizing days.I am also going over all the ESB paint ups on THD as well as going through the referance pics.
Ok. Got the helmet. I read somewhere that you should not cut out where the visor goes to prevent warping? Does that sound right? Seems to me that you would want to cut it out and then sand and prep it for painting. Is there some sort of time that you have before it does this? Sorry for the ignorance. Just nervous, want to do this right!
Psh, I cut the visor out first thing. It's resin, it won't warp unless you leave it in the Las Vegas sun before you put the visor in. Plus if you leave the visor area in and paint it, you have to repaint the part you cut out anyway.

I've done about 6 SgtFang helmets, and with each and every one the visor has been cut out first prior to prep work and painting.
Ok. Cut out the Visor last night. Might have to use a little bondo, dremel got away and nicked the top of the visor. Oh well Sand sand sand. I am going to start the process of wet sanding tonight. Question though, the keyslots in the back of the helmet? Any tricks to cutting those out. They are a little small for the dremel. X-acto and patience or maybe a small drillbit and then an x-acto? Thanks.

With the disc I can whip out a visor in about 15 minutes, but I understand you being nervous. The disc is really easy to use once you get it on the helmet, but you can just use a large file to smooth everything out on the helmet you have there.
Yeah dont mean to dis your work but it looks like you used a drill bit to cut that out , the cutting wheel is the way and it is realy easy to get the hang of u gat nice smooth lines , i even use my wheel to do sandinng by placing it on its side ,.

I still cant get over the fact that fang sold u a helmet.

you should consider getting some difrent ears for the fang ,as the ears on them are not spot on in size and shape, speciialy the left rear and the right ear cap .
Nik Nak used Rogue studios on his fang and it looks dappa, But those are like hens teeth to find
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I am really hurt. Nah not really. I was nervous. Yeah sanded it last night and it looks much much better. Going to work on it some more tonight and I was going to fill in the, uh, ok mistake in the center of the t-visor. I guess I should feel honored that fang sold me a helmet huh? Guess I have a winning personality! HA. Below is the latest picture

No i think you miss under stood what i ment i didnt mean that he sold YOU a helmet i mean that he sold any one a helmet a realy thort hed given up on it , i personaly had tryed to get one from him in the past , and was told hed stoped making them
.thats all it wasnt implied directly at you
The visor is looking a bit better, head down to Home Depot and pick up some files and you can take care of it a little more. And you should get some Bondo or any other kind of filler to fix the depressions around the visor.
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