Sintra/Foamed pc is aboout to be your best friend, then followed by Mr Wizardofflight armour templates (has the templates for everything just about), Mr Woodman for your 1st class wookie braids, try do the girthbelt yourself buy from a horse/saddlery supplier. If i could say anything maybe buy a decent bucket from Fettpride he has a couple of variants budget and premium as does his armours and gauntlets, maybe buy the gaunts and helmet and try to do the rest yourself out of sintra/Foamed pvc or bin armour. Mind you if you want to go all out, ladysewsforus for your softparts, Mr fettpride for everything gaunts, helm ,armour (absolute eliteness) This man is a saint, manofwar for your jetpack and boots, Mr Woodman for wookie braids and cape, Mr booboofett for your ammobelt/chinskirt, fetttronics for your deluxe light set, Mr Galactic bounty hunter for your gloves, Mr Fettdad for your Absolute elite blaster needs, Mr tk6294 for your push to talk com system ect ect, have i spent your $3500 yet? like Mr Apolifka says reading here is your friend and stayaway from ebay it can hurt you bad, also it takes time to accumulate and wait for people to do runs of gear and respect there time turnaround and well respectthem fullstop, Mr fettpride may need a 6 week turnaround for him to commish your gear as does the others, allow them there timeframes and you will have topnotch quality gear to troop with. Advance search is your buddy as well