WIP: Scratchbuilt Jetpack!

Figured I'd slap a little paint on while I work out the thruster issue. I'm going to have a lot of weathering to do!


I also drilled holes in the sides for the thrusters.
Yep, topical all the way. I did a layered/topical paintjob on my helmet and while the layered method is cool, it's just not worth the aggravation to me.

It's funny that you say that, because that's pretty much the exact same story with me. I was thinking of doing a layered paint job on my pack but I just don't think I'll have the time to be meticulous once school starts.
Not a big update but I got a little more painting done. All the main colors are on and I've started to lightly distress the paint.
Next I'll hit it with some dull coat and start on the damage.


Amazing work Matt. I'm going to take this on myself after seeing your amazing work!

A couple of questions, on the piece with the teeth where the rocket goes into the jetpack (pic jetpack009), is that foam core also? How in the world did you do that?

Also, did you use a combination of glue and tape to bond the thin plastic? It seems like it would be very hard to bond because it's so thin. How did you get a smooth surface on the vertical seems of the cones?

Thanks in advance!
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Nice work on this one, man. Looking very good. Any new developments? I haven't heard the terms "topical" or "layering" for the painting approaches before. Does topical mean that you go back and just add the metal color in the spots where it shows through instead of undercoating the whole thing in that color? MM
I haven't seen this thread in a while... WOW! That's an amazing looking jetpack you have there. Its nice and crisp... I like your fuel tank caps. They are well defined. (Mine didn't turn out so well :( )
Wow, this is the third scratchbuild jetpack I've seen on here, and this has given me inspiration to give it a go and build one myself. TDH is awesome! Great job on your pack dude, from one Matt to another!
Just to echo everyone else, this is incredible. You have inspired many of us, and myself, to try and do the same thing. Keep up the good work, hope to see how the rest of it turns out!

You should make a mold and fabricate some copies. You'd definitely be able to make some people very happy, same with your wallet.

at first amazing work, inspired by Jango72 jetpack i´ve started also my jetpack. But since some Month it don´t get forward. The fuel canister don´t work. What for diameter is right? And did you used a tube or did you made ist on your own. The Piano Keys are an great idea. The key i´ve made are not really great. Because they are a litle too thick. Here some pics of my jetpack. I´m thinking of do a complete new Jetpack.

ideas are welcome.

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