How to attach a Jango JP?


Active Hunter
Hi gang. Well almost at the finishing line on my Jango. I have an arena MLC JP & a Seeker JP harness. I know that I will have to cut 2 slots in the leather vest - then have the straps go through the backplate - then do I have to cut 2 slots in the JP and attach the straps to the base of the interior of the JP? Also do I screw in the backplate of the JP so the opening/hole isn't showing? Any pics of you fellow Jangos will help me out alot. I just don't want to make any mistakes on this.
I too need to attach my MoW arena jp to my seeker harness and am a little unsure of how to do it. As for the lil plate behind the jp I used velcro to take it on and off.
Well I will tell you how I did mine, but that doesn't mean it is the only way. I too have a MLC arena JP and a Seeker harness.

I first mounted my back armor to the vest in its final location. Then I used a sharpie to mark where the slots in the back armor landed on the vest. Using a sharp razor I cut the slots enough to allow the straps and clips to pass through them and the backplate.

For the JP I cut two slots just above the opening of the door with a dremel cutoff wheel and small files for cleanup. I would have liked to put them lower so that the JP would have riden higher on my backplate, but I was afraid to get too close to the opening of the JP and cause the fiberglass to crack. Using the other straps that came with my Seeker harness I stuck the non-clipped end down through the opening I had created and looped them around the two metal rings inside the JP. I pulled them tight on the inside so that only the clips were left outside the JP and secured the ends with chicago screws.

As far as the JP door goes I drilled a hole in each corner through the door and JP. I then glued in some nylon threaded nuts to the inside of the JP. I could then put the door on and screw a nylon screw into each corner to hold it in place. I used nylon so that it wouldn't scratch the backplate as bad as metal.

I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Well I will tell you how I did mine, but that doesn't mean it is the only way. I too have a MLC arena JP and a Seeker harness.

I first mounted my back armor to the vest in its final location. Then I used a sharpie to mark where the slots in the back armor landed on the vest. Using a sharp razor I cut the slots enough to allow the straps and clips to pass through them and the backplate.

For the JP I cut two slots just above the opening of the door with a dremel cutoff wheel and small files for cleanup. I would have liked to put them lower so that the JP would have riden higher on my backplate, but I was afraid to get too close to the opening of the JP and cause the fiberglass to crack. Using the other straps that came with my Seeker harness I stuck the non-clipped end down through the opening I had created and looped them around the two metal rings inside the JP. I pulled them tight on the inside so that only the clips were left outside the JP and secured the ends with chicago screws.

As far as the JP door goes I drilled a hole in each corner through the door and JP. I then glued in some nylon threaded nuts to the inside of the JP. I could then put the door on and screw a nylon screw into each corner to hold it in place. I used nylon so that it wouldn't scratch the backplate as bad as metal.

I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

Any pics of this set up? I just want to make sure before I cut into the JP.....Thanks for your help.
Any pics of this set up? I just want to make sure before I cut into the JP.....Thanks for your help.




Hi Bro!!! I hope this helps you

Im familiar with this set up, Im curious on the best way to attach the straps to the JP itself. what do you use to keep the rings mounted inside the jp? maybe some pics of the inside jp set up?? :confused :D
On the MLC arena that I have there are two metal brackets that are fiberglassed into the bottom of the JP. I slide the straps throught the slots that I have cut in the JP and loop them around the brackets. I hope that answers the question. I would snap a pic, but I don't have a camera with me right now.
On the MLC arena that I have there are two metal brackets that are fiberglassed into the bottom of the JP. I slide the straps throught the slots that I have cut in the JP and loop them around the brackets. I hope that answers the question. I would snap a pic, but I don't have a camera with me right now.

Just wondering how far up ypu cut the slots into the JP. I'm just afraid that I might have some slack if I cut too high or low. Has anyone also added "velcro" to secure the JP to the backplate so it doesn't move or rattle when you walk? Any pics wil be great!
Vegan you could glue some in if you wanted to go that route. I would just epoxy glue them in and then put some hot glue over it to reinforce the bond (but I always over build things :) ).

Grinch as I said earlier I cut my slots just above where the door sits in the JP. I have heard of people cutting the slots in the door itself, but I was just not comfortable since it is thinner fiberglass. The lower you get the slots the higher up on the backplate the JP will sit which is why some have gone that route plus it is accurate to what is on the movie. As far as the slack on the straps goes you will have some. They are designed to fit multiple packs and setups. You will have to secure the ends once you loop them through the brackets inside the JP. Like I said I used chicago screws, but you could do it different like gluing or riveting it for example.
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