My helmet boba


New Hunter
Hi, I'm new to this place, please excuse my English I'm from Spain.

recently started my helmet

need help I need help advice

do not know if the hull shape is the correct?

they think



On close inspection of the pictures it APPEARS as if you are trying to recreate a dome on a domeless bucket.
I do believe that the dome itself is not a perfect part of a sphere but rather a slightly enlongated sphere.

As for the depth of the dome as indicated in these pictures, it seems a bit shallow, maybe by an inch.
how much padding do you have in the top of the helmet? that might be the problem. if that's not it then you're going to have to take the top off and make it taller.
It still looks a bit too short on top.

If your nose it getting stuck, you may wish to think about making the helmet longer.

It looks like it is made from plastic. You could expand it directly behind the ears, add about 3/4 inch plastic, fill it, then sand it.
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