Policy Change Regarding non-Star Wars costume build threads.

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Hello all!

Today marks a bit of a turning point for TDH. TDH was founded in order to help fans of Boba Fett build better quality costumes. Shortly thereafter Jango and Zam were added and our trifecta was completed. As many of you also build other Star Wars related costumes, we eventually added a general Star Wars and Clone section as well, not to mention, the inclusion of the custom Mandolorians.

Back around the time that the Dark Knight was coming out, we somehow became a lightning rod for Joker costumes (probably due to Kwally's fabric run). After the Joker buzz died down Iron Man reared its head and we became inundated with Iron Man costume threads.

How did this happen?

Well, first off, TDH is a very high ranking site and easy to find if you are looking up costumes and one of the only sites that rank higher is the RPF... but historically, the RPF has had a closed registration, so people came here, for the great community and high traffic. Additionally, many of our longtime members have completed their Fett based costumes and have moved on to other non-Star Wars projects. While we love seeing those projects shared with this community via showoff threads in the the Sarlacc Pit, if you are working on a non-Star Wars costume, TDH really isn't designed to support you. As TDH and the RPF are now more or less under the same "umbrella" and now that the RPF has open registration, we want to encourage members to use that site for the non-Star Wars costume builds and this site for Star Wars based costumes, especially you Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Zam Wesell, and Clone costumes!

What does this mean?

This means, starting next week, non-Star Wars based costume build threads and questions are going to be closed and we are going to refer you to the RPF.

Do we want you to leave?

Absolutely not! We love our members, and hope you will continue to participate, but we also want to maintain our brand and identity as a premiere Star Wars (Boba Fett) costume site and want to make sure our primary focus is on Star Wars based characters alone.

Won't this hurt the size of the site?

It is entirely possible that this will cut down on an already shrinking membership but we believe in quality over quantity and having more people here doesn't mean much if they aren't focused on the same goals as the site as a whole. As I have told many of you old timers, Star Wars is on the long downward slide. Many Star Wars sites, including starwars.com and rebelscum.com are losing ground as more and more people are losing interest. It is inevitable that this will happen as more of us get older and Star Wars fails to capture the imagination of the next generation. Again, we feel it is more important to focus on our core audience than bring more people to the site who are completely on a different page than us.

Thanks for you cooperation and understanding!

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Art, for what it's worth it's been a long time coming. TDH is getting back to it's true purpose and I applaud this change. Although not impossible to do, I found it very frustrating(not to mention annoying) to weed through 25 batman and now iron man threads to actually get to a Fett thread. Thank you again for yet another TDH "UPGRADE" in my book. Quality over quantity EVERY time.....
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I agree! I'm not super-active around here like I'm at the 405th, but I post my Halo stuff there. When I get around to making a mandalorian suit, it goes here, not there. I think it will help keep the site on-topic, and less flame-wars from sprouting up. 1 thing I might suggest, perhaps have a referral list of forums? For specific costuming genres? Like the 405th for halo, whatever it is for iron man (I know there's an iron-man dedicated board out there somewhere.) ghostbusters, batman, etc. Not only will it keep this forum cleaner, but it will serve the potential costumer better by directing him to a community that is less well-known, but specializes in his interest. Just a thought!
I completly agree with this decision here. However, what about non-Star Wars "Showoff" threads for Completed projects? I'm working on some non-Star Wars things and I'm sure the users here would enjoy breezing through looking at the finished product. I'm just talking about complete projects, not work-in-progress threads that start off with "I want to make (costume), help me".
It's funny, I was just thinking the other day how the TDH brand and what it originally stood for, had become so diluted but hoped that it would some how change back! So I definitely think this is a positive step to move it back in the right direction! (y) (y)

Now, with that said, I think other "Original Trilogy" based characters / costumes that are some how Boba Fett related being on TDH in some shape or form aren't entirely bad and could possibly help round out the "TDH World", i.e. Bossk, IG-88, Dengar and perhaps even Vader with his link / history with Fett, even if it does stem more from the expanded universe side of things.

My Two Cents.

It´s great to see that TDH is gettign "cleaner". I mean, I like the other things too (e.g. Iron Man building threads etc.) but Art is right, if someone wants to see that he can go over to the RPF to have a look.

What about the custom mandos? Did I get it right, they will have to move over to the RPF too?

Just curious ... :)
Glad to see that you guys approve of us moving in this direction.

Just for clarification, we will still allow showoff threads of completed non-Star Wars costumes in the Sarlacc Pit, as has always been allowed and all Star Wars based costumes are welcome in their appropriate forum. :)
No no... the customs are here to stay. They have their own forum here and since they are derivatives of Boba/Jango they can benefit from the info on this site.
Happy to see the policy change. While it's a shame we won't get to see the amazing build ups other people are doing it will be a lot easier to keep up to date on this site without having to sift through all the fotm threads.
I applaud this choice!

It seems like TDH became the "go to" place for all sorts of non-Star Wars stuff, and it's gone on too long. We've shifted toward a "trendy movie costuming" thing more and more.

Boba may be old, but he's still cool! ;)
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