Me and my Halo CE Banshee


New Hunter
Hi guys,
Today I finished my Halo CE Banshee cardboard model =)

See yourselves:


Rest of photos: Banshee


I was so sad when the 405th went down... I wanted to see this! But now... in all of it's awesomeness!(y) Literally, incredible. There are no other words to describe... (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y):cheers

question for ya, how do you plan on finishing it? Or are you just going to paint the raw cardboard?
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Thanks for the files from off the 405th bevbor this is Nintendude from the site. So far I have the back fins made, next I'll do the struts and then the body, once again thanks so much for the files.
I track most of your projects on 405th. When I see them I just say wow. When I saw this I was literaly speechless. Goodjob as always.
Wow thats Although in my opinion nothing can acquaint to that sniper rifle you were doin, I really enjoyed following that build. Keep it up
I was so sad when the 405th went down... I wanted to see this! But now... in all of it's awesomeness!(y) Literally, incredible. There are no other words to describe... (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y):cheers

question for ya, how do you plan on finishing it? Or are you just going to paint the raw cardboard?

I plan to fiberglass it and then paint it purple =)

Wow! The Banshee was always my favorite Halo vehicle. How long did it take you?

With all planning, modeling, template printing etc. - two months

Out of curosity Bevbor have you thought of doing commisions to make Banshees for people wanting them?

Till you said it I didn't thought. Now I do =)
Till you said it I didn't thought. Now I do =)[/QUOTE]

The only problem is shipping... wait,, unless you plan to make this flyable. Wouldn't suprise me. :p
Thank you guys =)

Well now I started something much much larger than banshee...
Can you guess whatis it? =)
(Press on picture to enlarge)

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