Complete Noob looking for helmet....


New Hunter
Title says it all.. My nephew is graduating from High School soon, and his dream come true is a party where everyone in the family (20 or so of us) are to dress up as their favorite superhero. Most everyone is doing Marvel or DC characters, but Boba Fett is my choice.

So long story short, I looked at the helmets on EBay and they look like **** compared to what is being made by the people on this site. I would be happy with most anything half decent, meaning it doesn't have to be a perfect replica from any specific episode.

So if anyone has an extra, or knows where I can get something for an o.k. price, let me know.

After searching this site for a while, I am also planning a garbage can build of my armor. Any tips or links for a comprehensive build would be really appreciated. Thanks all!
What price range are you looking for? You can pick up a Fettpride budget for around $150 (Which is, btw, an extremely nice bucket). But the paintjob from any of the painters here will costly at least double that. But that is easily the best priced helmet.... anywhere. :)
Yeah, I saw those, and fettpride actually lives fairly close. The paintwork I think I can tackle myself, if I went that direction. I was hoping to get something for a little less than that,, not to be cheap, but I probably wont ever wear it again.

Also, another thing working against me is I procrastinated too long and only have about two weeks to get everything together and finished. (dumb, I know..)
your screwed if you only have two weeks and want anything worth the price you pay for it...maybe find a don post for less than 50 somewhere but its a piece
I was going to suggest Fett Seven's helmet actually, I have the exact same one (Check my profile!) and he is selling it for a great price. This kit needs some TLC to be really usable though!
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