Who would win in a fight...Fett or Iron Man?

squadrons of fighters.... I thought we talked about 1 vs 1 fight... I don't know iron man storrys so I guesed that the helicarrier was a shipp.. Iron Mans shipp?? becouse this was after all a fight with boba against Iron Man... So why would iron man then need help of a helicarrier if that wasn't hes shipp.. and if it was hes shipp.. why seend fighters in a 1vs1 battle ?

Well actully YOU were the one who brought in Slave 1 and the Helicarrier was my counter, but this has gotten beyond the 1 one 1 battle.
Well... I think you missunderstood me... If we take (for an example) boba vs darth vader.... it's ok to count in slave 1, and darths own tie shipp... but it's not OK to count in executor...
Clearly you haven't read a single Iron Man comic. Rhodes was not a pilot he was a solider in the USMC during Vietnam so has the same skill as Fett. Fett is a better fighter than Stark but, Iron Man has an overwhelming Tech advantage. Also the Iron Man and War Machine suits have EMP shields.

and you havent read any fett comics I imagine...send it to that spike tv show
Clearly you haven't read a single Iron Man comic.

Clearly, you're right! I need to get caught up. Let's start with Iron Man #128.

OHHH!! You meant Iron Man would beat Boba Fett in a DRINKING CONTEST!! I'm so stupid, I thought we were talkin' about a fight . . .

I'll stick with what I said before. Tony Stark is a sloppy booze-filter who wears a flying weapon. A Mandalorian IS a weapon . . .


Well... anyway... Iron Man got problems with drinking .. that's for sure... but he gots a great battle suit... boba got mandalorian training seens he was a child.. and the traine, jango himself.. what a mentor ^^ Iron man got.. militarry experience ? (I have no idea)... Boba got lots of gadjets and a space shipp, iron man got diffrent stuff too, guns and he can fly etc... and a Helicarrier wich has squadrons of fighters But I don't wana count that becouse this is, 1 vs 1 and if Iron man wana use hes Helicarrier, then fine, but then no crue, just him driving it... And I'm not sure if he's a pilot or not, but boba have knowed how to drive seens he was a child... And again, if the battle would be at ground, it dosn't matter that iron man got big guns that he blows everything up with, it depends on how you use it.. and what experice you got...

And (as a fact) I still think that bobas EE-3 would penetrate Iron Mans armor... this is no bullets, it's a star wars gun... laser... that's strong... If you put down a stormtrooper on earth I'm sure that he could stand against bullets too... (if you hit the armor ofcourse, only diffrent is that iron man got armor all over the boddy, but now.. this is armor buildt with earthmatterials... no SW armor)... But if we go back again to who would win.. the awsner is Boba... he got more talent and experience and I think that hes gadjets got some funktions that could mess up Iron Mans armor...
Boba will find the best way to take cair of Iron Man whatever the situation looks like !
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Clearly, you're right! I need to get caught up. Let's start with Iron Man #128.

OHHH!! You meant Iron Man would beat Boba Fett in a DRINKING CONTEST!! I'm so stupid, I thought we were talkin' about a fight . . .

I'll stick with what I said before. Tony Stark is a sloppy booze-filter who wears a flying weapon. A Mandalorian IS a weapon . . .

The Demon in a Bottle story line huh? Well if you read this comic you would know that he beat his Alcoholism at the end of it.
The Demon in a Bottle story line huh? Well if you read this comic you would know that he beat his Alcoholism at the end of it.

Oh, so Tony Stark beat the bottle at the end of THAT story . . . but Boba Fett didn't survive the Sarlacc Pit? I guess I'm like you, I only read the parts I like and skip the rest . . .
Boba would A. Pick the time. B. Pick the place. C. Use the best weapon, to finish the job. D. Collect the bounty.
Stark would never know what hit him, or know that he had even been hit.
Taking out people when they don't expect it, or even if they do expect it, is Boba's job.
And he is the best at what he does, to paraphrase another marvel char, Bub.
as much as I love Fett, I think Iron man would have a slight edge. He is far more mobile, and his weapons would wreak havoc on fett's armor. I'm not sure how well Fett's blasters would work on iron man, seeing as that electro-whip whiplash used didn't effect iron man too bad. Fett would have been toast there had he been hit. But perhaps I'm wrong...
As much of a Fett man I am, I'll have to give it to Iron Man. I'm no comics junkie, so I mostly go off of what I see in the Iron Man movies, but come on...a completely armored suit that can travel up to what, Mach 3 for extended periods of time (hours I assume, gotta be a long trip from his pad in Malibu to the Middle East)? Multiple weapons systems, auto targeting, a freaking hand laser in Iron Man 2 that completely destroys anything in its path, even if its got a one use per cartidge deal(possible match for a lightsaber maybe?). Boba Fett has a set of dentable helmet and armor worn over a cloth flightsuit (which supposedly has its own shield...I don't buy that hokey ****, I feel like the authors in the star wars characters books just put a bunch of random "oooohh, that sounds cool" features to anything they could label).

Boba Fett has a flight system all right...that gives him a WHOPPING 1 minutes and 30 seconds of flight time on a full tank. He has a rifle (carbine I'll call it) that requires aiming (rangefinder, in-visor HUD targeting, whatever), and is that going to have the range of an aerial bombardment courtesy of Stark's weapons?. Boba doesn't have a chance.

Now to delve into more nerdy "what-ifs", we'll talk about actual "fighting". Even though Boba Fett probably has the battle and combat expertise of that of someone in CAG (Combat Applications Group, a.k.a. "Delta Force"), I don't think Tony would be at a severe disadvantage. He's received hand to hand combat training, and has done his fair share of "fighting" to gain experience.

I know this probably puts me on the very unpopular side of the argument :lol:, but I have to go with what I see as realistic vs. something insanely cool looking.

Boba Fett will forever be my favorite fictional character, period...But even though you're absolutely awesome, you're not necessarily the strongest. (y)

Plus, if Boba's "man-shield" can't stop an accidental whack from a staff *cough* Han Solo FTW *cough* that sends your "ridiculously advanced flight system" into a tospy turvy malfunction of impending doom, what makes you think it would work from a blast of searing hand-laser? :p
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lol I like how crimson42 had to point out that the ion cannon was a "fictional version" of an EMP weapon, as if somehow Fett's fictionality would be a factor in his fight against Iron Man??? It seems your unwaiverable and bitter defense of Iron Man is taking you to a dark dark place in nerddom :p
This is how I see it:

If they were both wearing nothing but a loincloth: Fett would win
If they were wearing their personal equipment in a cagematch type setting: Iron Man would win
If they got to use their personal methods of flight: Fett would win (Stark's Iron Man Suit vs. Fett's Slave 1, I tend to agree that saying Iron Man can use the Hellicarrier or whatever would be like saying Vader could use the Executor when he more readily utilizes his own Tie Advanced for personal flight)
If they simply engaged one another in an open world situation (i.e., Fett had to hunt Iron Man to collect a bounty, etc.): Fett would win

In the end, it really isn't about what equipment you have, it's all about how you use it!
Wow. Just wow.

Neither fiberglass or plastic armor made for either of them would with stand the awesome power of the .22 rifle.
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