

New Hunter
I wanted to introduce myself to the forum my name is Richard. I am a retired military police officer. I guess I have been what everyone calls lurking on TDH. I am a huge Star Wars fan ever since my parents took me to see the original in 1977. I joined the forum last year and used some of the templates to make a costume for Halloween. I made a custom Mando but it was a rush job didn’t post anything here. I am going to try again this year and start earlier on the work. I think this year I am going to try to make a clone trooper.
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I thought I would put a picture of my costume I made last halloween for everyone to see. I put it together in about 2 weeks only to go trick or treating with my son. I will be working on a new set later that will be better constructed. My bucket is real big because I used an old motorcycle helmet for the dome.

my custom mando.jpg

star wars family.jpg
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Thank you I made all of the costumes in the second pic that is why I was rushed on my own. I am in the process of starting a clone trooper. I would like to make it Capt. Rex based on the Ep. II movie armor. I will start a thread in the clone trooper forum when I get started. It won't be completely movie accurate but I am not trying to join any groups with the armor I just have always loved to make my own costumes. I also plan on trying to get a good Jango together after the clone.
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