Empire strikes back 30th anniversery today!


Active Hunter
Where were you 30 years ago today? I was at the Cinema 150 theather in Little Rock with my eyes as wide as dinner plates. WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Holy smokes look a new kind of stormtrooper in the snow, look at those walking things! I thought I would have a stroke at the age of 10! Ahhhh great memories. Hard to describe the feeling when the film ended.
I was probably begging my dad to take me... (think I was 6/7)... I don't remember what day I actually went to see it but I rememebr looking through the papers and checking the movie times... and cutting out the ads and taping them to my walls!
I remember seeing Empire at the cinema, can't recall the day, with my kenner Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot figure grasped firmly in my hand. We were lucky enough to be on the front row on the upper floor of the cinema (they were 2 levels in olden days ;) ) so I was leaning forward with a totally unrestricted view. I was in awe, few films have had me on the edge of my seat and that transfixed since.

It's funny whenever I see snow I instantly think of Hoth and the ATATs.
Funny that, I remember seeing ANH in 1977 and don't even remember ESB. I know I went to see it, but can't remember anything about it.... lol

And for my sins, I recall seeing phantom menance on release day in Orlando at Disney Pleasure Island.... and boy do I remember that for the wrong reasons... lol
We didn't go opening night back then, we'd always wait for the matinees over the weekend...usually on Sunday. I can remember standing in a line that stretched out into the parking lot for ESB on opening weekend....It sold out before we got there and had to leave and come back to another show.
I remember sitting in the movie theater in Westwood I was 6 at the time and was totally blown away wishing I could go to Dagobah to be trained by Yoda.
I remember seeing it after all my friends had already seen it. The family did movies nights few and far between so it was always special and Dad never saw anything on opening night. We saw ESB in the same theater we ended up seeing all the OT films in. It's an abandoned car dealership now and I still drive by it from time to time.
i went with my cousins in kingston at the capital, think it was a saturday afternoon back it was a movie house not a cineplex like it is now. i remeber the adds in the paper ....hold over for 8th striaght week....
Yeah, I remember when I had to stand in line for the theatrical release, and the line went on for blocks. (My jaw just kept dropping throughout the movie from the sheer spectacle of it. I wasn't even in high school when it first came out...)

In honor of the 30th Anniversary of "The Empire Strikes Back", here's a fan edited video of what the trailer of "The Empire Strikes Back", would look like if it was made today. (I thought he did a great job! You can never replace the John William's awesome musical score of course, but this one fan's take of a "What if" scenario. )

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That fan trailer there is well done, but seeing Star Wars juxtaposed with anything other than Williams' music doesn't seem to capture the correct tone, especially a music cue that was used for a STAR TREK movie! Ha. That said, the editing is superb.
Thats one cool trailer, I understand why the music was used, but it just doesn't sit right without the original score.
I remmeber when i was young, long ago, in a town far far away.... well the bottom of New Zealand, and thats kinda far away...My first movie I watched was A new Hope( Star Wars back then ), but when empire came out I was old enough to remember it in the right order. The thing I remember the most about going to the movies was the model scenes of the movies the theater had on display in the foyer... they were the coolist thing my young eyes had ever seen:)
I was 13 when ESB came out and I remember my mom driving me and my buddy Jeff to see it. She stayed too, being a big sci-fan fan herself.
I remember my stomach lurching during the POV shots of the snowspeeders going over the mountains on Hoth. :lol: I loved the movie and remember being instantly intrigued by a certain armored bounty hunter who shall go nameless.
I remember when i went to watch this movie...

3rd row, my neck hurting a lot... and those ATATs firing everywhere!!!!!


For me... the best of all the saga...

I was 9 at the time and remember seeing it opening weekend at one of the biggest movie complex's in the Milwaukee, WI area, "SOUTHTOWN CINEMA", the line was completely wrapped around the building and down the block, absolutely insane! :eek: I was just blown away, even more so than in 1977 and afterwards I had to have as much Boba stuff as possible!

I saw both ANH & ESB at that theatre on opening weekends, it's kind of sad and strange that the theatre doesn't even exist anymore! :cry

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