Deftones - Diamond Eyes


Active Hunter
So for any of you metal-heads out here, have you picked up the Deftones' latest album "Diamond Eyes"? Deftones are my all time favorite band, and after a few years of sub-par albums (Self-Titled, Saturday Night Wrist) they're back with probably one of their best albums yet.

So for any of you that picked it up, let me know what you think. (y)
If there's any album of theirs that could possibly beat out White Pony, its this one. The thing is, they have a lot of songs on here that are throwbacks to Adrenaline and Around the Fur. Plus, for any of you guitarists out there, Stephen Carpenter is using his custom 8 string Baritone guitar dropped down to F#...very brutal.
I'm diggin' it so far... but I really liked Saturday Night Wrist, though. Diamond Eyes isn't as diverse. it's a lot slower, more melodic. Almost reminds me of newer ISIS stuff. Someone told me they thought it was a return to form like Around The Fur or Adrenaline, and I was like "Nooo...."

But it's weird not having Chi in the band. I was kinda wishing he'd be better enough to start playing again but it seems his road to recovery is still a long journey. At least they got Sergio Vega from Quicksand to fill the spot. I saw them open for Deftones in '98 and then he played bass while Chi was out with a broken foot in '99 so he's really the perfect replacement.

And Quicksand rips BTW. Check out both of their albums, Slip and Manic Compression.
If its not as hard as the first two I'll continue to be dissappointed. Loved Deftones until after White Pony. I haven't listened to the new one yet. Here's to hoping the insanity returns after multiple soft albums.
If its not as hard as the first two I'll continue to be dissappointed. Loved Deftones until after White Pony. I haven't listened to the new one yet. Here's to hoping the insanity returns after multiple soft albums.

The later half of the album is definitely a lot softer, but if you're looking for the "harder" songs off of Diamond Eyes, give Cmnd/Ctrl, Rocket Skates, Royal, and Prince a try.
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