OUCH!!!! My 1st motorcycle crash

Jango 5204

Active Hunter
I'e been a cop for 13 years, the last 6 in traffic. I love my job. I've avoided many crashes and had more close calls than I care to remember. With the extensive motorcycle training POST requires California motorcops to have I've been able to avoid most situations by staying alert. There was nothing I could to do to avoid this one. I anticipated a problem and started to slow, but the guy made his left turn at the last second and I had no time to get stopped. I think I got down to about 15-20 mph before we hit. The BMW is designed to throw the rider the help "ride down" the collision and increase survivability. I went for a short flight, hit a curb and landed in a dirt median. Fortunatley, the weather was cool, so I was wearing a leather coat and leather gloves.

I'm pretty beat up, but nothing in broken as of yet. My left hand is still too swollen to be sure at this point. The inpact broke the decocker off the inside of my H&K pistol, and ripped the cap off the bottom of my magazine. .45 rounds were all over the road. We just got new helmets 3 weeks ago, the full face/flip up version and it has afew scratches.

Overall I think I made out pretty well. I'm actually on the phone in the picture. My wife would probably faint if she heard I was in a crash and didnt hear my voice.

The nurse in the ER asked if I remembered her. "You wrote me a ticket on April 24th at 7:15 in the morning." I stoill had my sense of humor. I said, "Don't hate the player, hate the game." Then she gave me an I.V.







Wow--glad to hear you're okay Craig. Got any pix of the damaged weapon? Hope you recover from it soon.

Neah, the armory guy has it. The impact broke the decocker off the inside, while it's in the holster. I'm right handed, must have been quite a hit. I know my right side hurts a lot.
the ticket part is great! hope you feel beter I know the guy is in ALOT of trouble DONT RUN OVER THE POLICE! great the leather kept you from any road rash too. hopefully this will be the 1st and LAST crash bro get well!
Wow..Glad you made out as well as you did...Thats why I prefer to drive the good old fashioned Police Cruiser....people are nuts when they get behind the wheel...Thank God for German engineering...and for guardian angels....
Best wishes as you recover Stay Safe!!

Mike Bryant
Nice weathering job on your gear!

...but in all seriousness, glad to hear you're in better shape than some of the alternatives. Rest up and hopefully you'll be good as new in no time!
Man brutal, I am going through the CHP hiring process right now and am thinking of doing the motocycle training through them if I get into the academy.
Glad your ok

Having been a cop for 13 years myself this is precisely the reason I am not fond of the motorcycles. You can do everything right and still end up on the losing end. The margin for error by ANYONE is small. At least you were covered up with protection.

Now people say I am a hypocite because I ride bicycles on the same roads, with just spandex and bike helmet. Maybe I am.

Get healed up quick

Man brutal, I am going through the CHP hiring process right now and am thinking of doing the motocycle training through them if I get into the academy.

YES!!! do it, best job in the world. Motor School is a kick in the rear, but if you pass, it's a ball. CHP is always short on motors. I think you can put in for motrs after you're done with your field training, depending on where there are openings.

Hey Tim, here's a fun video.

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Since I've been in three totaled vehicles in 10 years (not ALL my fault, lol) I have to say that I like air bags, seat belts, and all that other good stuff.
Glad to hear you're okay. :)
I crashed and rolled a light Tank in Bosnia back in the day, Got covered in petrol (scimitars had 4.2 Jag petrol engins back then) Battery acid and HE ammo. But that's nothing to a lo-speed bike crash...No matter how right you are the car always wins AND IT HURTS LIKE HECK.
Get well and get back on the horse soon brother.
Sounds like you had someone watching over you, wearing the leather jacket and a new helmet.

I've a lot of respect for people in the police force, the world over, its a tough job.

All the best for a speeding recovery.
YES!!! do it, best job in the world. Motor School is a kick in the rear, but if you pass, it's a ball. CHP is always short on motors. I think you can put in for motrs after you're done with your field training, depending on where there are openings.

Yeah I just got my Oral Board interview back, missed passing by 5 points so now have to wait until June to reapply and take the board again.
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