Update to Terms of Service - All Please Read!

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Hello fellow TDHer!

You should have received this message via PM, but if not, we are posting it here as well.

We are notifying the membership of revisions to The Dented Helmet Terms of Service that will become binding 30 days from the issuance of this notice. If you do not accept the revised Terms of Service, you must contact us via email at admin@thedentedhelmet.com with a request to have your account be closed. We must receive your account closure request within 30 days of the issuance of this notice.

What are these revisions?

In short, we have made some minor wording clarifications, and TDH now falls under a new LLC to better serve the needs of the site, but please be sure to review the entire Terms of Service.

What do you do if you ACCEPT the revisions to the Terms of Service? NOTHING! Just keep enjoying the site! You ONLY need to contact us if you DO NOT AGREE with the revised Terms of Service.

Thanks for your time and thanks for continuing to make this site one of the best and most popular Star Wars sites on the net!

The Dented Helmet Staff
Bleh, I tried to read it all...so many words....such legal-ese....
Really, I did. Read an article where for an April Fools Day joke, this gaming website had a clause that stated something along the lines of the user selling their soul to the company. It was actually kinda funny seeing how many people didn't read what was there. Those who did read and opted out of the soul-selling got a coupon off their total purchase. So, yeah, I did try to read this...just in case someone read the same article I read. :P
Honestly, other than some minor word changes (like substituting "Transmitted" for a whole string of other words) the only real change is that we are now under a new LLC... I am still the owner of the site so everything is pretty much as it was.. and I promise, we don't won't your souls... but maybe we should have put something in there about "you will send us one (1) Boba Fett prop item when your Fett is complete" or something... hmmm.... ;)
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