Calling all HOCKEY fans!!!

How'd the Pens do tonight? I'd rather poke my eyes out with a hot poker than to see Crosby touch the cup again. Biggest cry baby, wussbag, pansy since mario and is the only NHL player i'd actually fight on the ice. I'll be pulling for who ever's playing pittsburgh...

..... i mean, go HABS...:lol:
Lets go FLYERS!!!!!!

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HUGE Pens fan here. Naturally... being from Pittsburgh :) The loss to the senators was a frustrating one... we've still got plenty of room to come back! If the pens dont take it, I'd like to see the nucks or the sharks take it this year!


Lets all hope for a serious CROSBY injury so we don't have to see him play.....a hysterectomy perhaps?

Ok, so I am a Habs fan but don't really count on them winning a Stanley cup this year. I just hope everyone has fun. Kidding!! eheheh... GO HABS GO!!! (y)
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