My Man of War Studios ESB Gauntlet Buildup... These babies are done!


Well-Known Hunter

I'm trying to document my buildup of these awesome MOW gauntlets. These look and feel great. Thanks to Christian for these!

Right now I'm posting pictures of the steps I'm taking.

I began with the the flamethrower and rocket. I glued some small metal washers to the two tips of the flamethrowerDSC00255.JPG unit so it looked a little more realistic. The holes the washers added a bit more depth ; even though its a minute detail, I think.

I used the the nylon screws supplied with the kit to attatch these parts. The screws are secured with JB Kwik. I measured out the holes to place the screws through. I made them a little bigger than the screw so I could move them around a bit for fine tuning placement.

Next I cut out the resin pour channels inside the gauntlets as per Christians instruction.

Then I drilled holes for the right gaintlet darts. I also decided to cut out the square shape in front of the right gauntlet. I plan to stick a light in there. I will back the hole with tinted plastic from an old pair of sunglasses. I figured this would make it seem more realistic than just painting the hole black.

Here's where I'm at now. As I progress I will update with more pictures.


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Very nice. I am waiting for mine to come in the mail. I was wondering if it looks like it would be easy to replace the flame thrower with a metal version I have seen available?
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i am just about finished painting my mow esb gauntles...just need to paint the flamethrower and the white parts on the right gauntle...nice job so far though
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Very nice. I am waiting for mine to come in the mail. I was wondering if it looks like it would be easy to replace the flame thrower with a metal version I have seen available?

I think it shouold be... you might just have to re-drill holes.

What I'm doing with these is making all the parts removeable (flamethrower and whipcord housing) that way if I choose to upgrade I can without any problems.
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Only way I can see making them removable is with magnets...or if you were to use plastic screws like Chris supplies with the kit...But then you gotta worry about the size of the metal parts compared to the resin ones...IMO the gauntlets are pretty heavy to begin with so adding metal parts will only add to the weight. And Christians parts look great on the ROTJ version so Im assuming the flamethrower is equally as nice on the ESB version, so its more a matter of how good a painter you are
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Only way I can see making them removable is with magnets...or if you were to use plastic screws like Chris supplies with the kit...But then you gotta worry about the size of the metal parts compared to the resin ones...IMO the gauntlets are pretty heavy to begin with so adding metal parts will only add to the weight. And Christians parts look great on the ROTJ version so Im assuming the flamethrower is equally as nice on the ESB version, so its more a matter of how good a painter you are

Yes I used small nylon screws (smaller than the one's Christian provided) I will have to try and take more pics of my progress to you guys can see. It does make it easier to paint when I can do the parts separately.
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yeh especially since you need that Flamethrower removable for paint! I was gonna make mine like that but its the same color and all the Rocket is the only thing removable...
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This is just a tiny update here. I noticed in a picture on one of MOW's older version gauntlets there was a "receptacle" (maybe a Molex connector?) that you could plug the ESB flamethrower wires into.

I made something like this out a piece of a Bionicle toy. The spacing worked out with the size of the flamethrower unit. I filled in the extra holes and glued it on with Goop in case I ever wanted to take it off.

I don't know if its accurate. (Probably not) Its such a tiny detail. But I think it will give it a more finished look. What do you think?



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Looking good...Ive been tweaking things with the ROTJ ones I got...Im to much of a perfectionist
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Nice build-up! I bought mine a month ago or so and finished them a few weeks ago. I was very scared building them cause they are so nice looking raw! My buildup was quick and easy, but also was for my custom Mando. I think I could still repaint it to make it ESB screen accurate. I chose a different method & just drilled small starter holes, then got simple screws and screwed it all together. And just for the curious, you can unscrew it all for repaints. I wanted to do the hinges and snap closures but velcroed instead.
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Thanks for looking guys!

I have a tiny update today. I was looking at an old thread by Darth_Nickel and I saw what he used for the flat wires on Boba's ESB gaunts... telephone wire! I never thought of this before!

Anyway, I used some Lego Bionicle plugs to mount the wires into the flamethrower unit. I will paint them up the right color soon.

Is it screen accurate? I don't know. (probably not) Either way I happen to think it looks neat... as in clean and logical looking. Let me know what you think!







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Nice build-up! I bought mine a month ago or so and finished them a few weeks ago. I was very scared building them cause they are so nice looking raw! My buildup was quick and easy, but also was for my custom Mando. I think I could still repaint it to make it ESB screen accurate. I chose a different method & just drilled small starter holes, then got simple screws and screwed it all together. And just for the curious, you can unscrew it all for repaints. I wanted to do the hinges and snap closures but velcroed instead.

I think that is a good thing to do... the gaunts are a work of art... I wanted to be able to paint everything separately and go back to fix/ upgrade if I ever feel the need to. The holes can always be filled in again if you decide to change something. Good luck with your gaunts!
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Very nice idea CloneCollector! Not trying to steal the thunder from your gaunts (cause they look awesome!), but wanted to show you mine





I really need to weather my flame thrower more. I might black wash it tonight. I also chose to put the flame thrower further back on the gaunt cause from what all I saw, that's how the real screen used one was. I think one of the Pre Pros was up more like yours...or maybe I just remember seeing someone's build like that!
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You know I had to add foam inside mine to get them to fit my arms as Im pretty lean...and I added a piece to the rocket to make it more Accurate...
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