Blaster ROTJ Recipe

Exhibition style x2

With/without flash - without flash is bit blurred but shows colours better i think.



Arrived home today to find a package from the UK sitting on my bed. Inside obviously was the beautiful blaster you can see in the pics just above. The stock is amazing. Can't wait to get out and troop with it.
Wow! Nathan was right. Great accuracy so far and clean lines. Can't wait to see the completed "down and dirty" version. Thanks for the WIP teaser. Awesome!!!!
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For those using my paint method shown earlier in this thread GW's Flesh Wash is no longer made and hard to find. However, I've found a replacement in the form of Vallejo's Game Ink - #72093 Skin Wash. Dark streaks can be added in using #72094 Black. Both of these are in dropper bottles so they can be used economically by dropping onto the stock direct or the brush and then blended in. I'm trying it for the first time now and so far the results look good. Disadvantage? Smells a bit like disinfectant or some other medical product :)

Wow. That's even dirtier and grimier than I expected! And by that, I mean it's even better than I expected. I LOVE IT!

Thanks for taking your time with it Simon. The quality shows. Flawless.

Can't wait to put my hands on it.
Derek, this one's yours. Has the first casting from my new barrel mold as the old one literally fellt to pieces.

Apologies to all those waiting on kits and parts and builds etc. I'm going as fast as i can.

DerekS ROTJ done.JPG

Finished pieces are being supplied broken down (stock/grip/barrel) as usual but I am also now leaving the scope unnattached for shipping purposes. For trooping it should be glued (epoxy or s'glue) for added strength, but if only for display it can be simply clipped in place.

Got my blaster today and all I can say is, "WOW." I am stunned at the quality craftsmanship. It has instantly become my favorite prop. Thanks bro!
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