Just got done watching the movie Avatar and it was an excellent movie,some predictable parts but a lot of action and the CG I was out of this world. This is sure to be a big hit in the theaters. I highly recommend seeing it. 10/10
:D :thumbsup: :cheers :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I saw it in 3d yesterday. It certainly looked good, but I wasn't impressed with the storytelling. It was a very good movie though. Better than most I've seen lately. I recommend seeing it as well.
Unobtanium? Seriously? *falls over laughing*

Yeah, the story was a little predictable, but I was totally enthralled with the film. There were scenes where (even though I knew it was digital) I couldn't tell that the Na'vi weren't actors in makeup.
Seems like special effects are what make movies good nowadays. Moviemakers need to give a call to Jim Henson Studios and make movies right.
I agree completely Andy! The only thing that saved this movie for me was ILM. But it was nice to see a combination of Fern Gully and Dances with Wolves even though it is pointless to see it in 3D.
Cry some more. lol. Seems like people forget how to enjoy something now a days. It looks sweet, I can't wait to see it.

i saw the 2-d version yesterday for my birthday, i've been looking forward to this movie for about 5-6 years, and i was pretty impressed.

visually it's a delight. every scene is very active, but i didn't find them distracting.

the story isn't weak so much as it is simple. there aren't any dub-tee-eff plot twists that leave you scrambling. it's a basic cowboys and indians story with a self-discovery twist.

maybe it's because the movie is so long, but i felt like i had a good grasp of the characters. the characters filled the role they needed to be in, and there was no need to have time expand further than that. did that leave them a little flat? yeah, but it got the job done more effectively than over explaining each and every motivation.

unobtanium... kind of a silly name, but would any other techno-babble name been better? it was a plot device.

i consider myself to be pretty picky about what movies i watch, there are criteria that need to be met. avatar caught my attention, captured my imagination, and kept me entertained and glued to my seat for nearly three hours. there aren't many movies that can do that for me.
I have to agree with all the Avatar love here... the 3D effects were both stunning and subtle in the places they needed it to be, and I thought the characters were great for the length of movie. As for "unobtanium"... I defs chuckled when they introduced it but to be fair... it's not like the stuff (in real life) would just "have" the name, the human scientists that discovered it would give it that name and it doesn't really seem that far fetched or excessively silly to me. All in all I was really engaged in the story and thuroughly enjoyed the movie. Probably will go see it again.
Aside from the few moments that felt more like the Lion King and less like a Cameron film, and the occasional ultra-cheezy battle cries, I really enjoyed this film.

Epic forest battle
I think 7 would be the threshold 22splt. It might be to heavy duty. It's horrifically long. Which apparently is the Hollywood formula in this era. It might be to long for a little one to sit still for 3 hours (you know, with the previews in the begining too)

I thought it was all right. I really dug the sharp 3-D and the sound (I will probably never see this in 2-D) and of course the battle sequence was insane. I go to movies to escape, not to compare to anything outside of the film itself. The story was predicatable but so what. I've seen it twice, in the first row, then in back, about 17 rows back. I found the 3-D to be better in the rear rows. I am going again this weekend with friends who are in town for the holidays. It's a good Saturday matinee popcorn-doobie flick
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I saw it the other day. And I'djust like to fill in that the effects where awesome! On 3D noone can compare, story-wise it blew chunks (but what can you excpect from James Cameron?)
I'm going to see it a second time in 3D.
I saw it the other day. And I'djust like to fill in that the effects where awesome! On 3D noone can compare, story-wise it blew chunks (but what can you excpect from James Cameron?)
I'm going to see it a second time in 3D.

so terminator, aliens, abyss, terminator 2, true lies, and titanic all had terrible story? you can't make a bold statement like that and then just leave it hanging. can you give some reasons to support that claim?

true, avatar isn't quite up to par with his previous works, however, i felt it was more than adequate. it made way more sense than the prequel trilogy. it took us from point a to point b and we got to watch the character of jake sully grow along the way. yeah it was a greenpeace movie, but so was wall-e and everyone loved that.
it depends on if your 7 year old is a Halo fanatic. The ships and Tech had the Halo vibe big-time. I loved it and my 11 year old twins (boy and girl) both loved it. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

it does have a halo vibe to the tech, mostly because halo pretty blatantly ripped off the tech look of aliens. so turnabout is fair play.
I saw it today with my 10 year old son, the 3-D version and hands down it is now one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm pretty hard on movies so that means a lot coming from me...two thumbs up!
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