ESB Boba Ammo Belt weathering?


Active Hunter
Hey gang, I have my 99centTaco belt that I'm looking at weathering but in all the pictures of an ESB Fett it doesn't look like there is that much weathering done on the actual belt? Is it user preference or is there actual weathering that can be done?

I was doing to take some (cover your ears Taco) sandpaper and lightly sand some scuff marks and such...use a little paint splater here and there and oil mark some of them.

... looks like I'm following you around today Splat!... lol...

If you look at the high rez screen caps in the galleries for ESB it looks as if the ammo belt is darker than in ROTJ. I could not see the marks that are in the ROTJ belt.

The "weathering" on the ROTJ belt is probably the brown paint comming off the original white belt. (The belt was originally white but then painted brown when the "Supertrooper" idea was abandoned)

Hope this helps!
Totally, lol....I just took some 300 grit sandpaper to it with some rust paint rubbed in and made some dents and cuts with an exacto knife...also took some clean lawnmower oil and rubbed it into the leather to make some dark spots. Turned out good, I'll get some pics.
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