Death Watch Clone Wars Mando Bucket

Initially this project was just going to be a Jango helmet repainted animated version!:wacko

OH! I get it now. I thought you were doing a clone/mando cross. But you're not! Your'e doing a mando from the clone wars. I'm super you can see.

It looks awesome!!! Very precise to the pictures. :D Well done and good work.
Ok, here is the final version and comparison shot next to a BKBT cc Jango helmet. This weekend I hope to begin the mold. The ears will be cast separately just in case it turns out I don't have the placement correct once more ref. pics come out.:thumbsup:

Ok, time for a small update. The first layer of silicone is curing on the ear pieces. Additionally, the fiberglass jacket is curing on the helmet and should be ready for demolding later tonight.:thumbsup:



Ok, the molds are completed and I should have the first cold cast pull out by tonight. I'm hoping to have this assembled with a removable visor and the paint began by this weekend. So now I just need to figure out the paint scheme.:thumbsup:


Ok, the molds are completed and I should have the first cold cast pull out by tonight. I'm hoping to have this assembled with a removable visor and the paint began by this weekend. So now I just need to figure out the paint scheme.:thumbsup:

I love it :)

I'm a bit surprised that we haven't seen the mandos yet. They are holding out on us! Do you have the Clone Wars Season 1 DVDs? In the book that's included, there is some mando concept art at least.
Thanks guys. I'll have to check out those concept pics if I ever buy the dvd. I'm very excited about how this helmet has turned out and really excited to try my hand at the animated paint scheme. One thing I can't figure out is if the mandible areas are one or two shades of blue?
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