Bored at work, Bucket Designs

Shuk Om

Jr Hunter
So, I was stuck doing a whole lot of nothing last night, and wound up playing in Paint, since that's all I have at work. Took Lonewolf's custom smooth faceplate look and messed with it. Figured the designs could just be cut out of the faceplate just like the T-shape of the visor.

I apologize in advance for the puns. I've been awake for too long.

Here are the first three I came up with.

The left one is called "Chuckles". I was fiddling with different noses, and thinking about the Joker. I liked the circle look so I threw down some red for a clownish smile, and green, becase the "Clown Prince of Crime" needs his proper 'do.

Middle one is "The Crying Man". Pulled off a slightly human nose, and it made the eyes look sad, thus, crying. I suppose that's why he's blue.

Last one....haven't thought of a name for it. "RAWR!" might work, I suppose. I started with a screaming type face, threw in some teeth, and a sharp animalistic nose.

And that's what I accomplished at work last night. Enjoy.


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Depending on what you want to do with your bucket I would say your designs are very good, but a little too western Earth culture. I would suggest you take a look at some Starwars books to get a feel of the idea and the culture of the Mandos. Reading the books by Karen Traviss really helped me get a feel for the culture.

I realise that I may be coming off as criticising your work and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable because I really don't want to come off as harsh, I hope you understand that I am trying to get the best in the way of a design from you, it's obvious you have talent, but I suspect your boredom meant you also lacked a bit of direction.

If you're aiming for a Mercs status take a look at the conventions regarding helmets and speak to the people who are part of the deciding council for advice, A'den Skirata is one and I'm sure he would be more than happy to help and advise you.

If you're not, then whatever I say really doesn't matter and as long as you are enjoying yourself doing it then it's absolutely fine.

But good work none the less.
Oh yeah. Obviously. I'm messing around with my design for my real bucket, and have been forever. Once I get some extra cash to play around with, I'll probably start in earnest. These were just boredom induced. When there's nothing going on my brain goes strange places.....

If these ever saw the practical light of day, they'd more than be just for fun on a scrap bucket.

@Pac'ika: I totally work hard. It's hard staying awake in the wee hours of the morning.

@Saz: 'Preciate the comments, vod. Don't worry about sounding harsh. I'm not that sensitive.
*chuckles* So I was super busy last night, but couldn't stop designing. Came up with a few more ideas. Obviously, these'd all be scrap one shot helmets, not full designs. As always, comments are welcome.

1. Design one is where I started when trying to design my own Custom. The red patch on the left side of the bucket would be names, in Mandoa, carved into the surface of the bucket and painted red. They'd be the friends I lost while in the Army (through retirement, relocating, combat, and just plain loosing touch).

The idea came to me from reading the opening chapters of Order 66. Figured the Mando would want to remember those he lost, and in true Mando fashion would want to be able to speak all the names each day, regardless of whether he had a datapad close by or not. He could slip off his helmet, or glance at a patch of armor if he needed a reminder.

2. I was trying to come up with something besides the normal "cover the T-visor and cut out shapes thing" that I've been doing, and so I armored the lower portion, and said "Hey! Look! An elephant!". Added tusks and grey paint and there you go...

3. This is where my Mando is at the moment (in theory, anyway). Both my parents used to be paramedics, and so I decided to make my Mando a medic as well. The angel wings on the dome would actually be painted along the sides, ala Captain America, but I couldn't figure out how to do that. The RF on the left would be a medical scanner, on slide rails so it just slid up and out of the way, instead of to the side. The right lens would be just that, a magnification lens. Maybe several of them in graduated sizes. I thought about doing it in blues or greens, so as to evoke a set of scrubs, but since the bucket is about honoring my Buir, I figured I'd just stick with red.

4. The X-men's Cyclops. Duh. I was playing with colors, and the blue and white reminded me of one of his older cowl type masks. Gave him a red visor and yellow frame, and vioila!

5. I heard someone call someone else "four eyes" earlier yesterday, and the phrase stuck. Double range finder, with eyes painted on the bucket (I know they have a name, but cant' remember it at the moment.), and I made the T-Visor and frame one piece of tinted plastic.

6. Was working on the idea of a blind mando, so I again combined the T-Visor and frame, so you can't tell where his eyes actually sit.

7. I wanted to do something plant like, so I threw down some green paint, chopped the T-Visor off, and added thorn looking doo-hickeys.

8. With an aquatic Mando in mind, I played around until I had a goggle type shape for the eyes, gave him air hose ports on his faceplates, and a blue-green color scheme.


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I like number 1 and 2, number 7 would be really cool if they were actually cuts and you could see the visor behind it.
Ya know, I originally had it like that, but I thought it was too much of the same thing, with the visor covered and then cut out. And since it's paint, you can't really tell that they're supposed to be thorn like. *shrugs*
Just to let you know guys, if you are thinking about being mercs, I'm pretty (almost 100%) sure that Novall has put out some guidelines for making "Corps".

I think that they aren't officially recognised as yet but if you get enough to go under the banner then they may recognise it.

Though you will all need to be official members, i.e. have your gear complete.
We're like drill beetles, Kal'ika. You can't get rid of us. Ever. :D

And I'll have to check the Merc's site and do some research here when I get home. Stupid work computer won't let me on the Merc's site. Ever. Psh.
So, I was playing around with Pac'ika's custom Medic insignia, and came up with the first picture. I really like the way his Mythosaur skull looks sort of like a dagger blade at the bottom. With that in mind, I drew myself a skull, and started playing with it. I extended it to a sword, and split the blade like teeth and nostrils. I didn't like the big open spots on the blade, so I changed to nostril frames to a bit of Mythosaur skull that reaches up onto the blade. Added center diamonds, like on a set of 'Gam. Tossed a grip on the nasal bone (between the eyes), and tried getting the cross guard right. I hated the way the tusks came out, so I changed it to angel wings, more in line with a caduceus. Figured the entire hilt (from pommel to cross guard) would be carved from Mythosaur bone, and it would serve as a ceremonial sword from a Mandalorian Med School.

The second pic came about as a result of me staring at the Mythosaur skull for so long, and Saz's comments earlier.

1. Obviously changed the original helmet to fall more in line with Saz's comment. I kinda like it. Good call, Vod.

2. This one is what came of my Sword/Insignia doodling. I opened up my earlier Elephant design, changed the coloring to more of a bone color, and changed the tusks. Mythosaur helmet. Easy peasy. Maybe I'll call it "Jaing". Heh.

3. This one is pretty self explanatory. Changed the Mythosaur skull to a human one. I call him "Temperance". Heh. Extra points for those of you who get it.

And that's what I've done far.....


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Looks good, Pac'ika. It'll go on my armor, soon as I can manage some funds to start the building process.....

One thing, though. My Latin is kinda rusty, but doesn't "In arduis fidelus" mean "In (or upon) lofty, faithful"? I know lofty has multiple meanings. Just curious what you were going for.

Maybe you were looking for something like this...of course, I could always be wrong.

In danger, faithful = In periculosus fidelis
In trouble, faithful = In perturbo fidelis
In combat, faithful = In certamen fidelis
In need, faithful = In necessitas (or difficultas), fidelis
During trials, faithful = Per tentatio fidelis

Like I said, my Latin is rusty...Just trying to help. If I'm wrong, tell me to shut up.
Oooh! Also, I got some work done on my kit design. Lemme know what yall think. Obviously I'm no artist, but here it is. It's lacking in details, obviously. This is more for shape and color matching. And I plan on building all the weapons you see.

Rifle will be wood, obviously. I dig the old 1800's style trigger handles, so I threw them on both firearms. The feel of that shape handle really appeals to me, so I stuck it on my sidearm.

Both weapons will have hexagonal barrels, and the rifle will have an open side magazine so you can see the rounds inside. I'm thinking of doing a "light scope". Mount a high powered light as my "eyepiece", and then some sort of magnification lens in the scoped end. *shrugs*

The axe is just that. An axe. Weathered appropriately.

The spear is a Bevii'ragir. I haven't seen one in real life, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Head will be broad and carved from wood, as will be the counterweight/feather end. I'm going to make it in two pieces that screw into each other about midway. That way if I need to, I can break it down for travel, or if things get really hairy, I've got two hand to hand weapons!

That's that.....I think. I'm still working on it, as always.....

*chuckles* And don't any of you wise guys mention my skirt...*meancing look*


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Ah. Gotcha. And no, it's dry clean only. Which is why mine'll be so weathered. Who has time to hit Keldabe's dry cleaners between missions?
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