Sound like Boba Fett for $9.99!


Active Hunter
So last night I was at the Cracker Barrel with my girl and we were doing some Christmas shopping in their little store. They have a lot of nostalgic stuff such as old candy not available anymore, classic DVD's, country-themed housewares and home-made jam, and old toys that you played with during the 90's (at least I did, 22 now, so do the math). And then I came across this:


I immediately picked it up, set it to "Amplified Voice", and the result was this:

Honestly, It's pretty darn close to the effect Boba has in the movie...high in the mids (frequency wise), and with just the right amount of EQ to give off that "I'm speaking through a dented helmet mic, and I'll probably disintegrate you" effect.

Unfortunately, I can't find it ANYWHERE online, so you'll have to go to the Cracker Barrel it seems (Got mine in Maryland heading back from the shooting range). Its SUPER lightweight, and very tiny, small enough to put into a side pouch or thigh pocket.

I will say that the feedback can be a little iffy. But once you have the amp facing OUTWARDS and the mic not too far from your mouth, you'll be good to go.

Hope this awesome find can fall into the lap of some of you out there that want to go eat at the Cracker Barrel ;)
Yaaaaaaaaay got mine today an boy was i impressed... i will change it a bit but the potential of this thing is great. Thanks for the recomendation.

Have a look on a quick video review i did.

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but the question is....

where's a good place to hide it on the suit? i've got a jango, and im running around in circles figuring where to put it.. (i've got something similar)...
where do you hide the speaker? i can put the mic in the bucket fine. but i cant put the speaker in there. get insane feedback, when they are close
Hmmm. i had one of these for my stormtrooper costume. had some trouble with it. it's hard to get the mic to stay in the helmet, and you have to run the wire under the collar of your costume. once you do that, the helmet is kinda teathered to the collar and it's very awkward if you ever want to take it off. It's a real pain, but I got lots of compliments on it.
Using this toy as is, will not work very good. the sound volume is very low and the feedback will kill the effect. But the idea is to mod it to an acceptable range, making it a cheap solution to a more sophisticated and better Hyperdyne voice changer.

I plan to add a radioshack unidirectional mic and a personal amplifier. For this you will have to remove the current microphone and speaker and add a couple of 1/8" mono jacks. Put it all on a smaller profile box and give it a run.

During the week i'll see if i can make the changes... hopefully the Wife will let me. :D
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