Superjedi's Pre-Pro 1 "Eyes" helmet

Thanks, guys.

UPDATE: Nov 14th

Well, now it's really starting to look like something! Got a couple more stages done. I got the upper cheeks painted using PRR Brunswick Green. I don't mask anything when I do the dark cheek crescents, I do them by hand. I just make sure I don't have any caffeine for a couple of hours beforehand. :lol:
After they had dried for several hours, I masked off everything but the mandibles/band in preparation to airbrush them. I used Floquil Caboose.
A couple of interesting points about the PP1 which I just noticed today. The red area just in front of the left ear isn't painted evenly all the way to the base of the helmet. It sort of fades about 2/3 of the way down. I tried to mimic this as closely as I could.

IMG_2123.JPG IMG_2122.JPG

In front of the right ear, there's no red at all! I'll touch this area up with some of the Intermediate Blue once the Caboose is dry.
I also began some of the silver areas, starting with the Borden connector. Did the silver chips on the rear panels as well.


That's all the silver visible in my reference pics. If anyone has other shots showing more comprehensive angles of the back of the helmet I'd love to see them!
The only "major" area left to paint is the left ear. It's raw metal so I'll have to test a couple of shades of Model Master metalizers to see which will best match the reference.
After that, it's more measuring and templates for the damage on the mandibles and dome. :)


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I mean this in the best possible way.... I hate you, in your face-thingy.

That paint is wicked. And if someone told me that helmet had made it that far in 2 days, I'd be callin bs. (if I hadnt been watchin it like a lil kid watchin a puppy through a pet store window the whole time, of course). lol

When I get ready to do my pre pro, I might have to beg you to paint my bucket. :)
Brother, this helmet is getting better and better! Awesome!!!

I love the PP1 ... can´t wait to get my next FPH to go on with it!

I am curious how you get done the previous and then overpainted "old" eyes on the front part of the dome. have you thought about that yet? Painting them on and spraying over?

Great progress, you´re fast bro!
Thanks, guys. Yeah, I have an image saved of the different versions of the eyes. I think I've decided which one to use. Now I just have to figure out the best way to transfer them to the dome! :wacko

I am curious how you get done the previous and then overpainted "old" eyes on the front part of the dome. have you thought about that yet? Painting them on and spraying over?

I'm actually doing the Eyes version, not the 2nd version where the eyes were switched to "ears." :)
UPDATE: Nov 15th

Beginning the damage! This is my favorite part of any paint job.
I started with the lower right cheek. I'm using Polly Scale Reefer Gray and Bright Silver.

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Thanks! Yes, the PP1's are relatively few and far between. I just have always been fascinated by the "evolution" of the different paint jobs, and apart from the McQuarrie concept designs, this is the first "direct ancestor" of the screen used ESB.

Minor update: I didn't like how the Reefer Gray was looking on the lower cheeks, so I went back and changed it to SP Lark gray. Much more satisfying contrast. (y) Pics to come!
UPDATE: Nov 16th

More work on the cheeks. I changed the Reefer Gray for SP Lark Dk. Gray and it gives a much closer contrast to the reference pics.
Here's the right side.


Here's the left side. It isn't complete yet. There's another area of damage on the vertical edge in front of the ear, similar to the ESB helmet.


It's coming along! :)
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Really great progress here. I'm anticipating my first build in the next month or so - your approach to putting this together is generating a lot of ideas for my own work! Thanks for the posting!
I probably asked this question in a previous thread of yours, but could you describe which brushes you like to use for the topical parts? Thanks!
nice! the eyes helmet is what made me decide to do a captain rex costume. at some point i want to paint one up myself so that i can show the transition from rex to boba.
Yeah, I noticed Capt. Rex had the same markings on his dome. Definitely a lineage there. :)

I probably asked this question in a previous thread of yours, but could you describe which brushes you like to use for the topical parts? Thanks!

Sure, I just use Testors Model Master brushes in sizes 0 and 000. Not sure exactly what type of bristles they have, but they're well made and if you take care of them will last for a long time.
Mmmmmmmm. . . cobbler. :)

UPDATE: Nov 18th

Cheeks are done. I got that last portion of the left upper cheek completed.


Also began the damage on the dome. I started with the area around the turn signals.


The remainder of the dome will be tricky. There aren't really any good "oblique" shots of the rest of the damage areas (except for just above the left ear) so there will be a large amount of guesswork involved. I think I should be able to place most of it OK, but it'll be like trying to place the damage on the rear panels again.
I wish it stayed light later so the pics wouldn't come out so grainy! :( Maybe I'll try to take some better ones this weekend.
More to come!
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The jealousy rises in me like the stomach acid after a round of atomic buffalo wings from Quaker Steak.... lol

Honestly, vod. Your paintwerk borders on the perverse in it's quality. I really wish I could watch this process in person. Ever think of doing a video WIP? :)
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