BooBoo Fett

Active Hunter
Well guys, here is my first attempt at a Fett pouch. Personally, I am stoked. Version 1 pouch patterns will be adjusted slightly, one change will be to make the cover flap longer. The one pictured is a bit short.

The pouches will be functional. Not that there is any need for it (since we have giant pouches all over our costume), but because I can do it. As you see, these babies are not coming apart. Body and flap are cemented and riveted. The belt loop is a separate piece and also riveted on.

Will adjust pattern and make a master with rivet holes located. Hope to start production soon.

So, what do you guys think?!!!

All input / sugestions welcomed and encouraged.

Fett Pouch, Rev X1_a.jpg

Fett Pouch, Rev X1_b.jpg

Fett Pouch, Rev X1_c.jpg

Fett Pouch, Rev X1_d.jpg
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I love the idea of the functionality. Any idea of how much you'll be charging? I think I'll be one of the first in line. :)
I love the idea of the functionality. Any idea of how much you'll be charging? I think I'll be one of the first in line. :)

That part I haven't worked out yet. They are more costly to produce than the Taco belt we are all used to, and more labor intensive. But, I am definitely going to try to keep the price as low as possible.

I will say this, I've had a lot of fun getting this going. I think I have developed a fairly fast method of production. I think.

Also, I will most likely give the first completed sample to Nathan for feedback and, hopefully, a ya-verily. I have really come to respect that man as an individual, and for his amazing talents.

Will keep you all updated.
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ya brother, these look fantastic! glad to see someone taking the torch from the Taco man! will be watching closely as well...may have to be in line for one as well...:cheers
Boo Boo, have you thought about adding these stitches to your pouches? Art pointed this out a little bit ago.


"Photos Property Of The Dented Helmet"


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Thanks Takemetoyourfett for pointing this out. This particular stitching escaped me in my research.

However, this opens up a whole new discussion about my belts. As I understand it, the original belts were constructed of Vinyl, spray painted brown, and the pouches were not functional. These two facts alone unceremoniously eject my belts from the realm of screen accurate. My belt and pouches are dyed leather, and the pouches are functional. Furthermore, the belt loop of my current pouch is not integral, as is the original. The loop is a third piece of leather riveted to the body of the pouch.

As of this moment, the construction of my belt is as follows:

1. belt: I had originally used pre-cut 2.5" wide leather straps. My new version will be hand cut strap from 5/6 oz sides. Edges are beveled and burnished. Holes punched. Strap dyed. Velcro, stitching and grommets applied.

2. pouches: three piece construction cut from 4/5 oz sides (body, flap and loop). Flap edges are beveled and burnished. Rivet holes punched in all pieces then dyed. Stitching applied. Pouch assembled with cement and rivets. The stitching that you (Takemetoyourfett) mentioned might be added. But care must be taken to ensure the stitch line is not too close to a fold line.

No doubt they are going to look great. But "screen accurate"...not really. All this said, will anyone want to buy these?

I really welcome your comments and suggestions, brothers.

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Even though it's not a 100% accurate with the belt being leather, the stitching would at least be a nice touch. Leather is so much better than Vinyl anyway. If you want we can just call it Pleather :lol:
Art Andrews is to take credit for the stitching, I was just reminding.
Even though it's not a 100% accurate with the belt being leather, the stitching would at least be a nice touch. Leather is so much better than Vinyl anyway. If you want we can just call it Pleather :lol:
Art Andrews is to take credit for the stitching, I was just reminding.

Well, I thank you both. I'm real excited about getting these moving. I hope they are well received.

My next ventures will be flight suits and vest!

:cheers :cheers :cheers
I'll definetely be "on board" for one of these for a couple o reasons. I really want screen accuracy, but on the other hand, I want my suit to be "believable". I want people to look at my suit and say, "That could be real, that could really work." or " Man, that guys suit is really realistic." (Notice how I never refer to my Fett as a "costume", but rather, a "suit"?) I think having a functional belt lends itself to that really well.
It's an unfortunate fact that what works/looks good on screen, most times does not do the same in person . Aside from having 3 kids that WILL break anything that can be broken by merely using telekinesis (lol), the realism aspect was a big factor in me going with Jeff's armor (luckily, I get both, due to his talent and attention to detail).
The devil is in the details, and I think with proper weathering you'll see more compliments than quibbling. :) Just my .02

That said, I can't wait for the chance to integrate this bit of realism into my suit. Sorry if I've taken up too much bandwidth with my synopsis. :)
I would definitely be down for one! I have a 99 cent tacos belt right now, and love it, but functionality is the one thing I said I would really want out of it.
And now... I will get it muwhahaha
Bumping again. Any comment / suggestions are welcomed and encouraged. My goal is to produce the highest quality possible. You guys deserve it!

Question: Is Velcro the hands down preferred method of closure for the belt (apart from being screen accurate) ?
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