Time to Revise & Redraw the Templates


Well-Known Hunter

When I started this project 5 years ago I only planned on building a Fett suit not to create a library of templates. While the template library has grown progress on my Fett hasn’t and I’m not sure that I’ll ever get there, but I want to continue to improve and expand the Fett Template Library.

Let me start by saying that the templates were intended just to be a starting point. They do not represent the definitive Fett and without access to the LF archives they never will.

I have been reviewing the templates and want to revise them and improve them to make them more accurate (to a point) and more useful to those out there wanting to scratch build their own costumes. I am not looking to make them 100% screen accurate as that would drive me completely crazy (admittedly it would be a very short trip), the asymmetry and inconsistencies would be more than I could handle (it’s an engineer thing). I will leave that to each individual to decide how far they want to go. Remember these are a starting point.

So what I am looking for is feedback on what should be done to improve the templates.

General: Revise all templates to PDF files that can be printed full size on standard 8.5X11 and A4 paper. I now have access to Acrobat Pro that goes straight from the CAD drawing to PDF, much cleaner images and much smaller file sizes.

On the list of things to add & revise:
1. Add details and dent locations to Armor.
2. Revise the COD to make it 3D.
3. Revise the Dome shape of the helmet. Make it a little “fatter” from the front view.
4. Resize the rangefinder; current one is too big by about 7%.
5. Resize the helmet templates by about 103%, doesn’t sound like much, but should result in a helmet closer to the actual size. Any accurate dimensions would be greatly appreciated.
6. Revise the Jet/Rocket Pack, minor tweaks and resized them to 16.75” wide, again to bring it closer to actual size.
7. Sling gun – completely revised, current version is about 10% too small.
8. Super Trooper Blaster (White Fett) – minor tweaks.

Templates and Patterns still in the works:
1. Jango Gauntlets
2. Arena Jet/Rocket pack
3. Jango helmet
4. Boba Jumpsuit
5. Jango Jumpsuit
6. Gloves
7. Boba Boots

The above are in no particular order and not a complete list. Also, I have no time frame in which to accomplish this task. As I see it, is like upgrading your suit, it is a never ending process.

So if you have some thoughts on what should be done please let me know. PM, E-Mails or post your ideas here.

Thank you,

Alan, your work is awesome and greatly appreciated.

Any chance of getting these in cad/rhino style format, so that people like me can make use of them?

Hopefully the stuff I forwarded for the Kaiser will work. If you need or want anything else I have more time to put into it (though I'm not in Washington anymore).

It was a great help. The Sling Gun drawings are in the final stages of being completed, just a few more details to work out.

Thank you, stay safe



Hopefully the stuff I forwarded for the Kaiser will work. If you need or want anything else I have more time to put into it (though I'm not in Washington anymore).

Great! Can't wait as I started a revised version (using wood) with the old plans adjusting off of the Kaiser. Hopefully, I can give you some solid feedback.
It was a great help. The Sling Gun drawings are in the final stages of being completed, just a few more details to work out.

Thank you, stay safe

This is great news, Alan! Nice to see folks return to long-term projects from time to time.

Having paths in the PDF rather than raster images will be great for people who want to fiddle with the shapes to fit their project.
Thank you all. This is and has been a group project so with-out your help it wouldn't have gotten this far.

Have a great Halloween!

One of my first projects was to create drawings of most of the Scopes & mounts of the various SW blasters, including Boba's Scope and rings. The Dent's own Art Andrews created a web page to showcase them, but that was a couple of servers ago so I am not sure if it still exisits, I have attached the Boba Scope files.


P.S. My other Blaster Scope drawings
Han Solo GK Scope
Han Solo Std Scope
M-19 Scope
M-38 Scope
MG-15 Enfield Scope
MG-15 Snooper Scope
ROTJ E-11 Scope
Single Point Scope

Thanks Alan!

What about the scope rings? You did the mounts already, but the rings would be great too!


  • Boba ASI 4X20 Scope.zip
    310.9 KB · Views: 487

I have roughed out both the expander and the key pad. The expander is so small that scratch building one would be a challenge, though it might lend itself to 3D printing or STL.

I'll see what I have and clean it for posting.


Possibly add info about the dental expander and calc pad for crazy-nuts scratchbuilders with the left gauntlet.
I'm looking to do a first time scratch build, and I am curious how Jango and Boba helmets differ, as you are designing a Jango one?
I am not an expert on either helmet by any means; there are a number of little things that differentiate one from the other, the drop ear on the range finder side of Jango's for one. But I haven’t done a side by side study too work out the details, though I've seen a number of Boba to Jango conversions that have turn out great.

I will be creating a set of templates for Jango’s helmet, but first I need to turn my attentions to the Boba helmet templates to make them a bit more “accurate.”


I'm looking to do a first time scratch build, and I am curious how Jango and Boba helmets differ, as you are designing a Jango one?
I can't seem to open your file... :cry

One of my first projects was to create drawings of most of the Scopes & mounts of the various SW blasters, including Boba's Scope and rings. The Dent's own Art Andrews created a web page to showcase them, but that was a couple of servers ago so I am not sure if it still exisits, I have attached the Boba Scope files.


P.S. My other Blaster Scope drawings
Han Solo GK Scope
Han Solo Std Scope
M-19 Scope
M-38 Scope
MG-15 Enfield Scope
MG-15 Snooper Scope
ROTJ E-11 Scope
Single Point Scope
Strange, we'll try this with out the ZIP.


I can't seem to open your file... :cry

ASI 4X20 Scope Sht 1.gif

ASI 4X20 Scope Sht 2.gif
I'm really looking forward to seeing your updated and new templates. I owe you a great debt of thanks for your existing templates as we used them to whip up armour for my halloween costume for my best friend's wedding (the wedding was on halloween and was a costume wedding). The costume was leagues from perfect, being a rush job, but we did win best costume. Now I'm looking forward to sitting down, taking my time with your templates and doing it right. Keep up the spectacular work man!
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