Boba Glove Patterns


Well-Known Hunter
For those so inclind here is a very rough draft for Boba's gloves. They are sized to fit me - 8.5" around the palm.



  • Boba Fett Glove Pattern.pdf
    74.6 KB · Views: 1,302
I was actually wondering if there was a pattern for gloves around, those should do well on my Jodo. One quick question: where do I measure my palm, just in case I need to scale down?

Thanks again!

Thanks, these were based off an e-book on how to make gloves that I found online and various work gloves that I have worn out and have taken apart. The drawings still need some work, but it is something to play with. I would suggest to anyone wanting to make their own to study how gloves are put together, turn some work gloves inside out to see how they fit the pieces together. These patterns are styled after the leather “Driving” gloves that you can get at the hardware store. The problem I have with most of the pre-made “Driving” gloves is that they are too big and bulky to look right.

I have made a test sample out of felt to check the patterns and they came out pretty good. Made me wish I had just invested in some better materials. These are not intended to be screen accurate. But parade gloves just don’t cut it for me; they just don’t look the part for a rough and tumble bounty hunter. Seem like a quick compromise on the part of wardrobe department.

If nothing else folks can use the patterns for the finger & hand padding and the cuffs to modify their own gloves.

rdhawk - Take a tape measure and wrap it around your hand over your palm (see attached). Mine is 8.5", this is where I run into problems with the Jango gloves at Nordstroms. Their large is 7.5" to 8" and I just can't get my hand in them. I nearly bought them on several occasions thinking that I could stretch them out, in the end I decided to make my own.


I was actually wondering if there was a pattern for gloves around, those should do well on my Jodo. One quick question: where do I measure my palm, just in case I need to scale down?

Thanks again!

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OK, I know I'm kinda necro-ing this thread, but anyone have any idea how this thing is supposed to go together in any order, cause it looks Greek to me.

Oh, and this pattern should be in the sticky thread on making your own soft parts *coughcough*!
Agreed on sticky: just add it to soft parts, unless WOF doesn't think it's accurate enough (your drawings are ALWAYS spot on) :D

Also, are the green lines for stitching and seam allowance?
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