Official Thread - Holster and Ammo Belt

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I love this place...... Do you attach it to the cod at all or just let it ummmm...flop around? I hope no one jumps into the middle of this conversation. :lol:
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It is part of the gun belt, I have seen some armor-makers on eBay that have it attached to the cod piece and that is incorrect.
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I guess the pvc would work if you split it in half and mount it to something flat that extends behind the belt.. I'm still open to suggestions.
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I used a aluminum shingle from home depot- .39 cents! I cut it to shape with metal shears, folded it over making the bottom piece longer and attatched it to the belt. its metal and looks good. works too!
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I made my own Boba belt, which was pretty easy, it took a few nights to get it right, but was well worth it. I'm also going to make my own for my Jango, and on the upside, it should be easier (except for the holsters). Jango has 7 pouches with no stiching and rounded ends. The pouches are 13" long 2 1/2" wide strips of cowhide. They wrap around the 3" wide belt blank till they are 4" high, and only the two end pouches have any kind of sides to them.
Find a Tandy leather store, get some hide, dye, and some tools to smooth out the edges and your set. All that should be less than $100.
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Actually, all of the pouches have sides to them. They is just a little bit of an inward curvature that makes them hard to see.
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I made mine to... from scratch.. and of course the referrance photos on the net... (lots on that link of over 1000 images) I built mine of Sintra for the little boxes.... and I bought some Leatherett that looks pretty dead on for leather. Wrapped the stuff around the boxes... and I went to the second hand store.. bought some belts.. that were the same size... Joined the two.. to make it a bigger belt.. and also wrapped leatherett around that so it matches the boxes. I didn't make my boxes open.. that to me was gonna be a little bit more work then I was wanting to do.. Anyway.. all turned out great.. very pleased with it.. So I'll have some finished photos of my mannequin in a few days or week or two... just finishing little things up on it. Good luck.. and like Boba Phat said.. its pretty easy and sure is well worth it.. of all the money you would save from buying it...
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Thanx alot for the input. I am very interested in seeing the final product.Mykull, I am guessing you used the 1/8 inch sintra? Let me know when you get a chance.
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I think I used the size just up from 1/8... of Sintra.. forget what it is.. but its thicker... now you can still use 1/8, it would be lighter for sure.. but I just thought that the thickness would come into factor when it was been worn... so that if it gets knocked or something... it would be a little more stronger then the 1/8, can could with hold a bit of abuse.... But hey its up to you of course.. just my 2 cents... I'll be posting images reeeeeaaaalllll soon..
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i made mine from brown vinyl i got from walmart, for like 3 bucks, for 3 was on sell...Hancocks or Joanns always has it in stock...
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you wouldnt happen to have a pattern for that?
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So I should get the Button Post studs, not the Rivet Button studs?
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I believe they're all the same.. They have the same item # anyway
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I think I'll use the ones with the setter, I've used the same kinda thing for buttons on my costume and they work nice, besides, I'm putting these in some thick foam that I'm weathering up and got to look like leather, I think the rivets will work better.
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The prop palace sells the holster for $135, and they look alright but I was wondering if anyone had bought one from them, and do the Rubies blasters fit in them.
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I don't have the one from the Prop Palace, but I have heard lots of bad things about them as a whole. In fact, back in the day (Oh- alllll the way back in MAY!) I ordered one from them- never got it. After almost two months I told them to cancel and refund my money. By then I had one from Biggerkid. I just got the V2.0 one of his- its PERFECT! It fits my Rubies pistols great as well as my Metal Westars.
If you want to save money, go with Rubies. They are good for the price. But if you are going to spend the bigger doe- go with one from Biggerkid.
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