
Active Hunter
hey all, my son wanted me to post up what he was going to be for halloween this year...he told me he wants to be Jango next year, but wanted to be Buzz Lightyear this here is what we did for him! my wife did most of it, she is quite talented...trying to make a Mando out of her, getting there slowly....:lol: anyways, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! :cheers

not all of it...i found the wings/backplate, chest plate, shoulder pieces, gauntlets and gloves on ebay, and everything else is scratch...the wife has skills, i tell ya...(y) the belt is made from pipe insulation, the helmet is made from plastic restaurant bowls, the suit is white sweat pants and sweat shirt, and the boots are snow boots that we covered with white duck tape...:D the ring at the bottom of the helmet is a hobby wreath, made of styrofoam, and wrapped with green duck tape...(y) he had a blast, and was a total hit with all the kids...just wait til i do his Jango next year!! (y) good times...:cheers

Kids got to be Fett's this year. Sorry to HiJack your thread Darrell. You helped out with this though.

Funny thing is, I showed your Son's picture to mine, and he was like "Awesome", "Can you make me a costume that cool?". I was a little speechless to say the least.:confused


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