Animated Gree


New Hunter
Hello all I had debated for a while wether or not to do a Animated Clone, and of course I have. I must say Kevin
has done a phenominal job with this armor very smooth build process and outstanding detail, and the helmet Marcelo
has out done himself as well. This armor is Animated Comm. Gree I wanted too share my progress. I will also be
uploading my build pics later on this week on photobucket, as well I will be trooping in this armor this next weekend at the State Fair of Texas for the Clone Wars season 2. So it should be alot of fun, so any how here are some pics its done except for some weathering. Your opinion is welcome and any suggestions as well.






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Wow Jeff... You put that armor together fast! It looks great.
Did you make the black strap that wraps around the chest and back?

Any ways... Have fun at the event. Tell Brian I said hi if you see him.

Kevin W.
Very cool, can't wait to see it finished and worn. I'm not super-excitied about the the toon look, but having less pieces and a much easier assembly and suit-up process is very alluring!
Yeah couuldn't wait and have really been wearing myself out with this and work, you did a heck of job with laying it out and I made the strap all from leather that I had bought and from tandy a while back that and some leather welder. Made a templet measured it by the manequit statue and the screen shots, and have it secured on the shoulder with some velcro. Lookn forward to the fair and well pass on too Brian as well. Thanks agian for a kick arrss kit.

Here are some pics tonight on a 2nd trial run it looks good but I forgot too the neck seal on forgot Oh well, but got it for tommorow. All in all I am happy the cod I have used Kevs suspender method, and the foremarms went seemless but will change that after seeing the earth magnets method very interested ..any how here it is before the event.






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very nice and i like your boots alot too. gonna shave your head into two red mohawks?
LOL! no really great looking suit
I'm working on my animated suit as well. I compared your pic to Kev's on his website and I think your shoulders are upsidedown, unless that character wears them that way.
Yep got the black ninja cover at least it looks like a ninja, here are some pics from the state fair. The clone is Matthew Parrot from Abeline heck of a nice guy and kick arss Neyo. The people from Cartoon Network and Time Warner were great and the kids ofcourse loved us. Any how here are some of the pics.



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Superb Gree you got there!! Makes me want to go on a crash diet to fit in the gear! LOL!

Ya know this armor fits a pretty good sized person with little mods. I'm 6-00 and 225 lbs and it fits well. I was within about 1 " of all the measurements Kev posted. I had to leave some of the parts about 1/4" long, but didnt have to shim anything. They go together pretty nice. I assembled mine in about 3 full days of work.
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