Finemolds Slave 1 : Boba Swede Style (Customized)

Great building skills, awaiting update
I have that same Fine Molds Slave One ordered from Japan but it has been waiting for 6 months now in the box. Yesterday I was motivated to start doing something with it. Finding this site and this thread motivates me more to finish it:D
Awesome!! Now I feel ashamed for doing my SLave-I...


Great work, can' t wait to see this finished!!!
When you are doing to top engine booster with LED`s, so what material did you use to mold that new piece, clear resin? And what did you use for the mold?
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If ever there was a good time to start building mine it's now. I love the painting techniques you've used and will be following your lead. I won't be going down the L.E.D/Fibre optic route as my electronic skills blow in so many ways, but I can apply paint. :) Please post more pics and a rundown of what you did to what, as I find this kind of info invaluable when assembling a kit such as this.
Top notch work
We are eagerly awaiting for updates... but we understand that u are busy with your family and all, having a baby takes A LOT of time :).
Your attention to detail is astonishing, I also have just purchased my own FM Slave 1 and I was wondering if you were going to light the thrusters on the rear of the model as well and if you are how are you going to?
Great job I wish i can paint just like you, I paint GW models (WH40k), but you are far more better than me, especially with metal parts of models. Great and inspirational work!
Necro posting....threads been dead for 3 years man and Swede hasnt been on the forum in MONTHS, think bobamaker did one of these some.
Necro posting....threads been dead for 3 years man and Swede hasnt been on the forum in MONTHS, think bobamaker did one of these some.

Was looking for post similar to this last year when i got into modeling , could of sworn it was this slave1 build , cant find it now but if i remember correctly it had the back of the cargo hold open with everything customized with boba fett and a small cargo table with small chains holding it , led lights everywhere , whoever made it had greebles put onto the body as added effects.

Anyone remember the build might of being over on the RPF forum ???
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