Official Commitment List: Han In Carbonite

Ok, everything shipped today:

SamGamgee Gunmetal + Fillers New York
Ranger Chet MI/WI
musical fett

all leaving FedEx tracked.

So, ill recompile the list, and pm who I have left on it. I have one more black ready to go, one silver second (thick one).

Im goign to try to get splits out tomorrow, i just keep forgetting to take it to the shop with me early morning.

Ill fix the list up top, and if i missed anyone, pm me.
For those i pm'd, if I havent talked to you, im going to put a hold on taking the orders till i get back from europe. Im getting overly stressed.

So if you havent paid, lets wait till I get back.

Just got home after a long day at work to find a welcome surprise on my doorstep! A+++ all around for Stormrider for all the work on this run. It looks amazing. It feels very solid, and looks fantastic.

On a related note, I am planning on trying to make a mount for it to hang on the wall. Any suggestions?
If it were _me_ id do this.

Id trim it to the edge of the 'textured' front.

Id cut a piece of masonite (compression board, real thin, or even tool hole board for the garage) thats 2 inches or so bigger all the way around( 2-4).

Then id moun *** in the center of that, and maybe put trim on it. Almost like a frame. I saw some aluminum baseboard transition stuff (for the doorway) that would make a great aluminum frame for it. Thats probably what id do.

Cut the corners at nice 45 degree angles, so it makes a perty frame, and your golden.

The other option is to just get some board annd recess it enough so the rubber surface, meshes up with a grimmed 4 inch border, then when you hang it, it will look like the whole prop, recessed in the wall.

Im glad you like it. I hate dissapointing.

Im really glad you like it. Im sorry it took so long.
If it were _me_ id do this.

Id trim it to the edge of the 'textured' front.

Id cut a piece of masonite (compression board, real thin, or even tool hole board for the garage) thats 2 inches or so bigger all the way around( 2-4).

Then id moun *** in the center of that, and maybe put trim on it. Almost like a frame. I saw some aluminum baseboard transition stuff (for the doorway) that would make a great aluminum frame for it. Thats probably what id do.

Cut the corners at nice 45 degree angles, so it makes a perty frame, and your golden.

The other option is to just get some board annd recess it enough so the rubber surface, meshes up with a grimmed 4 inch border, then when you hang it, it will look like the whole prop, recessed in the wall.

Im glad you like it. I hate dissapointing.

Im really glad you like it. Im sorry it took so long.

Thanks for the fast reply. Some great suggestions there. How would you recommend mounting it to the masonite? I'm assuming some sort of glue or adhesive? It feels very firm, but I think I want to fill it with some foam first if I do use glue, as it would be pretty permanent.

Thanks in advance.
Well, it depends on how hard you want to work.

A soft foam, like FFX from smoothon would create a surface that expanded. Their heavey foams, are thicker, and would fill any 'inconsistensies.

Honestly, i bet liquid nails would work great for filling in and stiffening up things.

Its a tube glue for putting up drywall etc. It comes out like grease, and gets rock hard. Doesnt swell or expand when hardening. Sort of like a silicone caulk, which also would work to make the bottom smooth.

Actually a silicone caulk might work wonders, because it would come off if wasnt right.

But because of how thick and heavy it is, a glue gun would probably work.

Today i received glow in the dark powder, I may make my han radioactive:)
Well, mine showed up today...and as always you couldn't disappoint if you tried! It is incredible! Solid, while fairly light in weight, and the detail is sweet. It maintains itself well without any support from behind and shipping does nothing to it. Great job, Brother! I recommend it to anyone who even thinks they want one.:cheers
Thansk brother! Glad you like it!

The only problem with these is every once in a while there will be a 'sticky' spot in the rubber. (Small, usually smaller than a dime).

Once painted it seals it in and is fine. Eventually they cure, but ive had them take a month. So if you see a small sticky spot, dont pick at it. Just leave it, and it should cure and be easily covered when you paint:)
Got mine today and I am pretty speachless. The actual item to look at is just fantastic and somehow magical, takes you right back to being a kid and watching the movies. Then you come to the craftmanship and genius im casting the item in this material.

Another awesome Stormrider item (y)

If anyone is still thinking about one of these you need to jump on it while you can........that's if you still can :confused

Thanks M - totaly awesome (although my wife thinks not)

Rob :cheers
Haha. Wow that was fast BFUK.

Im still making them, though ill be in europe for a couple weeks, when I get back, ill start the grind again.

Today I cut the tip of my finger to the bone, and stopped working early. I need to get the blasters done for ppl before I leave. So im going to give it a shot one handed tonight.

Im glad you guys like them.

For anyone still thinking about getting one, when I get back, im going to pull 1 or 2 a day till the mold dies, and then if people still want them, it will be a sign up list to make a new mold.

The mold is 100 lbs so its not an easy feat. But if people want them, ill make them.

The silvers are too time consuming, to do them id have to charge abotu 75 more than now, and if someone _really_ wanted me to do one, I would for that, but I really dont want too. It takes me sooooooo much longer, and theres so much more risk of it being a bad pull.

Anyone from here live in italy?
Yep! My wife thinks I'm nuts and my 2 year old daughter was terrified of it. I had to stash it in my man-cave!

My 3 year old thinks it is great, which is handy as it is pretty much going to be the center piece to his Star wars, errr, space themed room :facepalm, totally educational. Obviously it will have the little light alla Jabbas Palace :D
Thanks Stormrider

Mine arrived in Aus today, and we are more than happy with the product, and speed of delivery. Have a great break, and look after yourself, we only have so many digits to work with.

Kind regards
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