Bored artist needed... and input from others.

Boba Swede

Active Hunter
I've initiated a Fan Film project on my own free time. Nothing fancy just yet. I've got a script going and started to work on some concept sketches. I also have a director in mind. (same guy who is making Threads of Destiny) It's about a group of Snowtroopers called "Nexu Squad".

Anyways.. i've started working on the squad banner but i don't have the skills to make the most out of its potential. (And hopefully help to sell the idea to the director.)

here is my first concept sketch made in... bear with me.. MS Paint. :eek:


*** The text is supposed to be Aurabesh or some other "alien text" later. If you have any suggestions for another Squad motto i'm all ears ***

But i was also thinking of adding more life to the banner by addig highlights to the banner showing a pouncing Nexu.

again.. MS Paint

What i'm looking for if someone could take pity on my MS Paint skills and pimp it up a bit.

There is no time presure as this is still in its craddle and i can't really offer anything more than the credits in the credit roll and a virtual "bromance" hug as a thank you.

Also.. any.. and i do mean any. creative input or crtitique is welcome
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Good luck with your film. (opinion) The wording is a bit long-winded....a more focused hook would be better.

I agree... the current motto was a combination of "no guts, no glory" and "long live the empire"

At first it was "Through force we shall overcome all" but i felt it somehow lacked the fury and determination of a Nexu.

not that the current one does the trick either, really.
I really like the potential on the top sketch. I don't think you need more detail than the eyes and the fangs if you do it right. I agree that there's too much text. Can it just be the cog, teeth and eyes, without any text?
I agree that no text would be best, but most military groups do have some type of motto. I think the "With the Empire - To the end" is the most ominous and harkens to the brainwashed following of the Nazis, which is exactly what an Imperial group should be. Devoted and completely commited even though the leaders are insane and the cause unjust.
Interesting. I think some square or diamond, or a shape with angles would be meaner than a circle, though. Here's a take on the teeth and eyes. I think symmetry in a design like this could look really cool.

Here are some paths if somebody else wants to play around with this logo.


  • nexu-logo.pdf
    73.8 KB · Views: 383
Awesome job Count Dookie! thanks for taking your time and working on the graphic. it's leaps and bounds better than what i ever could have made. Big thank you.

and I like the diamond shape... i'm gonna work some more on that and see where it takes me..
Need any music for the project mate?

Im pimping my services - I need some more virtual hugs!


If we the project gets that far i'll have your name in consideration. Do you have any website or similar where one can sample some of your work?

The Sniffer said:
Will there be any Vixen content?

Sniff on future director! Sniff on my brother & dear friend!

At this point there is none.. but i'll see if i can't send you a pair of used garment for you to enjoy after the conclusion of the shooting :cheers
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