

Jr Hunter
Just wondering what type of starship would you use for your ride in outter space?

My Answer:
Mine would be a the empires shuttle lamada so i can transport cargo and other members of the team.

Snake Eyes :jet pack
Wow! GREAT question, and so many choices! For a cruiser to get across the galaxy in comfort, I think that I would have to go with a Corellian Corvette!

And if things got a bit heated, then I would go with a V-Wing as a fighter!



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Very Awesome answers today and i'm glad that you all like this toppic which i have to say oddball i love that pic good ol' kelly's heroes :lol: and i do like the ride i chose because i'm gonna make a model with the color scheme i'm doing for my armor.

Snake Eyes:jet pack
When I was younger, about ten years ago, I would go over my friends house (he was just as big a Star Wars fan as I was) and we would spend most of the day playing out our own little adventures in the Star Wars Universe and one of the guys I had made up had, as his flagship, a Super Star Destroyer. No one that he encountered ever inquired how he ever came across owning one, though. :)
True, very funny movie... as for a ship, I like my custom Sienar Courier and the pimped out Besu'liik starfighter docked to it incase I need it, both in "stealth" configurations of course. My Sienar is black and the fighter is grey with blue trim.
For my main flagship from where I would hold my other ships, I'm pretty certain I would go with the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer. I'm relatively certain it could hold the other ships in my arsenal. :)
For normal use, I'd HAVE to go for a modified YT-1300, tons of room and firepower. For a fighter I'd have to go with the Jedi Starfighter, has shields, firepower, hyperdrive, and the agility of an A-Wing. Plus having an astromech like Artoo gives you tons of other options outside the ship as well as in.
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