Nevu's Custom Mando (Lots of Pics)



Finally I can post this! Horay! I've already done one custom mando before this, using a trash can to make the armor. I wasnt very satisfied with the finished result so i'm going to kinda redo it (pretty repaint and add some stuff). I never got the helmet or accesories (kama, belt, and weapons) done so I hope to finish those soon. I'll post pics as soon as I can, my camera is acting up and doesnt want to seem to upload the pics correctly :angry. Until I get the camera fixed, here is a pic of the color scheme of my armor.


  • Color Scheme.bmp
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Alright, Update! I have my camera working now. The pics arnt very good, I couldnt get the lighting right. In the photos you see my armor and 2 weapons. I tried weathering the thigh plates, but it didnt really work sadly:( You can also see my black kama in the leg armor pic. I plan to totaly redo that with a blue edging, maybe red.
If you have any ideas for the weapons, please feel free to post them. Im at a loss of what to do for the rifle, cant seem to make it look like star wars!
Critics or comments appriciated.




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Hey thanks Captain Virk. Lol your the first to actually post a reply. Ive gotten more done but since no one really posted I decided not to post my work. I might add some more since you seem interested a bit. Expect updates by Wednesday.
It seems the trash cans worked out well. If you're having bother with the weapons look at some referance material, stormtroopers, clones etc and see how you can incorporate the look into your guns. You'd be surprised at how a few greeblies and a shot of matt black changes the appearance of something.
Lol its Thrusday and I didnt post any updates sorry! Having issues with my camera again. I found a good starting point for my gun. I will customized a stormtrooper heavy MG-34 gun.
Here are a few pics of the weapon in Progress. The template cut out, thanks to a tutorial I found on the internet. Then the cardboard mock up. And then the last pic is a concept art of the upcomming MMORPG, Star Wars The Old Republic. Its a concept art for the class trooper, one of the weapons. I intend to make the barrel the same on my gun.



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Hey if someone could help, how do i post the pics as attached thumbnail instead of image link?
go to an advanced post and upload them from your computer. Looking good, keep it up. We all love to see new stuff. If that doesnt work, try downsizing the pic before uploading. 4x6 at 72 dpi should be small enough.
Alright, thanks for the help BrenSett. Sorry no updates right now. Still progressing. School just ended on Friday, I was caught up with exams. I will get updates going as soon as I can.
More updates, but no pics right now . Went to the store and looked around for some Bondo, and couldnt find the right one :angry I plan on getting more work done with my helmet as soon as I get the Bondo. O and do u guys prefer that I put the pics in a link or just have them in my post? I know that I personally sometimes just scroll down till I find pics instead of reading everything.:rolleyes Sorry for slaking, I know but it will get done!!!
Work on my helmet has started again! Still no bondo... But I have the templates all cut out and ready for use on my helmet, I just have to attach the dome once I put it together. This might be kinda hard because I made my helmet out of that craft board like AntMan used, kudos to antman for the awesome tutorial!, and it takes longer to dry. Maybe I'll use a hot glue gun... Any ideas how I can glue the dome together??
Yes it is! I got some work done on it this morning. Decided to use a combination of craft glue and hot glue. Using the hot glue here and there and then spreading the hot glue a bit up and down the seam to secure the sides from slipping. I then just slabbed a whole bunch of craft glue over the part I got done with the dome. I got 1 full page of dome template put on, which is about 1/3 of the dome.
Awesome!!! Glad you figured it out and it works!!!

And btw, i just looked at you pics, and you have an AWESOME color scheme!!! looking great!!! (y)

O and do u guys prefer that I put the pics in a link or just have them in my post? I know that I personally sometimes just scroll down till I find pics instead of reading everything.
Everyone loves pics!:D Even if like I said before ^. I would love to show you pics but I am staying at my friends house for a few days and the camera is at home and to far away to get back. I will try to get pics up by late Saturday or early Sunday.Glad you guys enjoy.

Aden: Glad you like the color scheme. I might re-do it though, paint the black parts either white or silver because my jumpsuit is black and it just blends in to much.
Blending in can be a good thing, but it is your suit and your preference. Keep it up and keep us posted. To answer your question about pics, I don't like off-site pics. I live outside of the city, and can only get dial up. Too slow to try to pics from everywhere else on the net. ( Jeez, you'd think a real mando would be able to get better connections) Anyway, I am really looking forward to seeing this done.
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