Serious paint issues


Well-Known Hunter
Hey all

I've been having some serious issues these past few weeks trying to paint up my BKBT Jango. I've never had this issue before, with my past comissions and other paint ups. Basically, the paint (krylon short cuts ocean blue) is forming small sections where it produces a bunch of tiny air bubbles, and it ruins the paint job, forcing me to sand it all down again and start over.

I'm thinking it's the humidity, cause its been raining like no tomorrow here in florida. I bought the paint recently, and have been told that they re-did their formula or something like that to make it more environmentally safer. Anyone have this happen to them? I'm just so frustrated with it all and it's a waste of paint and money. Thanks

I have that happen when painting resin in high humidity , overcoating it, or when I dont wash the resin or sand it good before painting it.

mostly with resin stuff really.
I have that happen when painting resin in high humidity , overcoating it, or when I dont wash the resin or sand it good before painting it.

mostly with resin stuff really.

Yea, this is happening on fiberglass. I've just never had this happen before. I'm thinking that I'll wait till the winter to paint this. I've always had excellent paint results during that time period. I'm going to paint my resin ears sometime soon, but using rustolium paint. Should be good though
also try lighter coats. and plenty of time inbetween coats. if you are layering your paints and you put to heavy of a coat on, the paint will aligator skin on you.
also try lighter coats. and plenty of time inbetween coats. if you are layering your paints and you put to heavy of a coat on, the paint will aligator skin on you.

I was trying everything with it yesterday, tried very quick sprays, very light, and even from a farther distance, all still produced this result. I have to rule it out as being caused by the humidity. I'm just going to have to wait until winter roles along, or becomes dryer
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