New to the site.


Jr Hunter
I just wanted to say hi, I just registered here, I've been slowly aquiring parts for a ROTJ Fett costume and had been coming here and checking it out a little bit. Finally decided to jump in a join up! As it comes together a little bit more I'll post what I've got going.
Welcome to my favorite place on the web! You have definetly come to the right place. Best of luck on your Fett build!

Thanks for the warm welcome. What I have so far is kinda a random mess. Started about a little less than a year ago and I was using the WOF pattern on a helmet. Long story short helmet is gone. Picked up a jumpsuit, ammo, belt, and gloves from evolutions. A buddy of mine got me a rope belt out of an ebay lot that he needed some parts from, picked up some gauntlets that need a lot of work off of ebay, and another friend is hooking me up with a helmet (of unknown origin) that he had sitting around from an unfinished product a couple years back. Mainly just picking up pieces as they find me so far about to start actually looking for them now.
Awesome, Gabe's stuff over at evolution toy store is getting better everyday! Good luck on the costume and welcome! This place has A TON of information so I would suggest reading A LOT before you make huge purchases.

Awesome, Gabe's stuff over at evolution toy store is getting better everyday! Good luck on the costume and welcome! This place has A TON of information so I would suggest reading A LOT before you make huge purchases.


Yeah I've been reading on here off and on for a long time. I'm definatly taking my time and reading up before I buy anything. I'm also lucky enough to have a friend that troops as fett and another friend that has built/painted quite a few different costumes in the past to help and advise me locally.
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