Hollow RF to fit MRGR8NESS LED board??


Well-Known Hunter
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Hey guys,
Can anyone recommend a ROTJ Hollow RF that will fit the LED board from "MRGR8NESS" ?? I bought the board a few months ago, and just got my FP Hollow RF back. I remember one or 2 guys getting it to work, but it's REALLY tight and I fear breaking the electronics away from the board. I love the FP version, but I was hoping there was another maker out there that would fit perfectly, with minimal modding. If so, anyone have a spare?? :D
Scott, I had the same issue, I tried like crazy to reform the inside of my FP topper to fit the board ( the self contained version ) but it never looked like it would work out. I did some research, checked around, and was directed toward Terminal Fettler.

I gave Garrett the dimensions and he came up with a great RF topper for me. It still needed some minor tweaking, but it was MUCH easier to fit the LED into.

Shoot him a PM, maybe he can help you out. Mine was for an ESB helmet, I'm not familiar with the RotJ enough to know if there's a difference.
I just used a dremel to sand the heck out of the inside of my FP topper and twisted the LEDs -- precariously, mind you -- to get it to fit. God forbid the batteries ever die! lol
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