Most Accurate Dent


Hey guys,

I have been combing through some reference pictures, and I really studied the dent....who's helmet has the most accurate AOSW dent? I always thought that the mystery helmet had the most accurate dent. The TF helmet dent looks great as well. I can't speak for a FPH because I've never seen one up close. Though I absolutely LOVE the BM helmet, I don't think the dent is very accurate. Is it just me, do others feel the same? I know there was a HUGE fight about BM dent between MS and BM a long time ago. Hopefully, we can avoid anything like that :D.


I recently replaced the dent in my ms3 for a fp dent. they're identical dents except for how crisp the lines are on the fp. the ms3 details seemed a little soft to me. I can't speak for the bm dent, but if its anything like his shin tools then he has no need to defend the accuracy of his helmet.
I recently replaced the dent in my ms3 for a fp dent. they're identical dents except for how crisp the lines are on the fp. the ms3 details seemed a little soft to me. I can't speak for the bm dent, but if its anything like his shin tools then he has no need to defend the accuracy of his helmet.

Oh, don't get me wrong! Bobamaker's helmet is AMAZING!! Mine will be here at the end of August. I was just wondering about his dent because of the thread between him and MS.

How did you go about replacing the dent? I'd love to know how you tackled that!

a while back I posted a thread looking for a new dent, and fp stepped up with one. once I got it I set it into the original dent, outlined it onto the helmet and cut it out with the dremel. since the new dent was set in an oval I cut out a similar sized hole. then it was just a matter of some ca glue and bondo to make it all smooth. then to make sure it doesn't pop out I reinforced the inside with fiberglass.
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