New guy checking in from the UK


New Hunter
Hey all - been browsing TDH for a month or two - ever since I picked up a Hasbro Clone Trooper helmet to modify, in fact, but I decided to wait until I had something to show before I posted here. I'm from a LARP and Airsoft background and naturally I'm a huge Star Wars fan so I'm not exactly in unfamiliar territory!

Anyway I'm making good progress on my son's trashcan armour (pictures here) which is turning out to be a gentle introduction to working with plastics and sewing.. then when that's done I'm planning on modifying the Clone helmet to get some all-important bondo experience. Then when that's done I'll be having a go at Skip's Republic Commando templates to see what I can do with them :D
Thanks guys, and no I haven't joined any clubs in the UK, although the only one I'm aware of is the Mandalorian Mercs (I guess they have a UK chapter) but I guess there are plenty of others. If my son's armour turns out alright then I'll probably make myself a set too, even though I'm more of an RC at heart ;)
Hey - yep we do have a UK chapter in the Mercs :)
Don't forget Galactic Knights and KOTE Mando's as well, all great UK clubs
Thanks for that, Synn!

Unfortunately I'm in the Netherlands for a week on a course, but I'm looking forward to picking up where I left off once I return to the UK. Though I'm happy with the progress so far:

Hello and welcome, sit yourself down and make your self right at home, shall I bring your slippers?

Nice paint job with a good level of damage (y)(y)(y)(y)

hey how come I didnt get that kinda treatment? where are my slippers Rob??

Sly - lmk if u are serious down clone/RC route; I post on and clone empires with the same userID if u need more info there

as for costuming grps in UK - along with those already mentioned, dont forget the UK garrison, Rebel Legion UK and Hollywood Heroes.
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