UPDATE: Fettoo

It's been a while since I'v posted an update on this. After the last session I posted I unfortunately picked up an infection at either the lab or the morgue and the green took a hard hit.:cry But we've since then carried on and pretty much finished the color. In a couple weeks we'll go in and start touch ups which, to my understanding, will be a complete re-color. I should have known that lack of pain on the linework would not last. There have been quite a few "magical" moments since then and I'm sure a whole lot more to come. Here is what it looks like now along with the leia piece that will be on the right shin. I know the blue is a little too dark but we're going to go over it with white at the end.

Fettoo 021sm.JPG

Slave Leia Tat 002.3sm.JPG
Ugh... Shin tattoos are my biggest fear.
I have extensive work all over my arms, chest, and ribcage, but I'm not sure I could ever sit through a shin tat.

Looking good so far.
Can't wait to see it finished!
Same here, exactly what he said.
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The one on the side of my leg kind of tickled...haha... I can imagine the shin being a lot worse :( I want one across my back, is it really sensitive on the spine?

dude ,you should have came to alabama and i would have done it. no offense ,but you should have found a guy who could have done a lot better job. i hate to say it, i would have upset to say the least.

there are several guys in ohio that could have done a great job on that.

here is some of my work.


The one on the side of my leg kind of tickled...haha... I can imagine the shin being a lot worse :( I want one across my back, is it really sensitive on the spine?


I have two on my back one on the top and one in the middle. The top one hurt really bad, in fact it's my most painful tattoo so far. But I blame the artist for being heavy handed, because the one in the middle felt like the artist was tracing it with a marker.
dang dude! i didn't know you were got it filled in! yowtch

that thing probably swelled up like a mother.... when i had all the filling on my forearm tattoo it was twice the size for like a week it felt like
that thing probably swelled up like a mother

Thats why we've only been working on one or two colors at a time. It'll only take so much punishment before it says no more pain today and swells. Not too bad though. The only time it swelled really bad was when I got the infection and it developed into cellulitis. At that point I had a "cankle" there was no form to my calf at all... it just went straight down. I even had to loosen my top shoestrings to put my left shoe on. Thats what caused a lot of the bare spots it just sort of rejected the ink. We'll start fixing it in a couple of weeks though.
Those tattoos are killer. When you doing a Zam and Jango?

No Zam or Jango... original trilogy only, for now. If I decide to go above the knees and do my upper legs I may do the new trilogy there. But Maul would have to be the center piece.

Frickin' SWEET!!!!

Thanks. Shoot me your e-mail addy and I'll send you a couple of pics of the store front with your decals If you would like a copy for a portfolio or something.
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